Break a leg!

Dalmatia Šibenik Outdoor Festival 2023 07.10.2023. 09:00 08.10.2023. 14:00 More...

Finished 265 registered, 222 numbered, 43 - REG 212 - FIN 7 - DNS 1 - DNF 2 - DSQ

Race :: 6 :: Organiser :: Break a leg!

Break a leg!

DŠOF KAYAK RACE 08.10.2023. 12:00 08.10.2023. 14:00 3.2 km More...

Finished :: 10 registered, 10 numbered, 10 - FIN

Registered Competitors Results


Name of the race: DŠOF KAJAK RACE, organized as part of the Dalmatia Šibenik Outdoor Festival

Organizers: Agency Break a leg, in co-organization with the Tourist Board of Šibenik-Knin County and the Tourist Board of Rogoznica

Date and time of race: 21/09/2024, at 11:30 a.m. (Saturday)

Length: 3 km

Start/finish of the race: Lozica beach, Rogoznica

Time limit: 1 hour

Registration: Until September 20, 2024


Entry fee: 30 EUR (FOR TWO)

STARTING PACKAGES: Pick-up of starting packages is organized at the main location, on Lozica beach in Rogoznica, on Saturday, September 21, from 09:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Content of the start package: start number, competition T-shirt, gifts from sponsors, bag for storing personal belongings in the wardrobe. To collect the start package and start number, it is mandatory to present a personal document. Taking the start number for another person is only possible by showing the personal document of the registered person.

DŠOF KAYAK RACE starts from the set finish line from the sea, not far from the coast, paddles in a circle around the placed buoys, after which it sails to the finish line in front of the beach. The race route is about 3 km long.


Contact number: +385993239643





DŠOF KAJAK UTRKU organizira agencija Break a leg, u suorganizaciji s Turističkom zajednicom Šibensko-kninske županije i Turističkom zajednicom Rogoznica. Utrka starta u subotu, 21.09.2024., u 11:30 sati, sa plaže Lozica u Rogoznici. Ruta je duga oko 3 km.


Na TANDEMSKOJ KAJAK UTRCI mogu sudjelovati sve osobe koje ispunjavaju sljedeće uvjete:

- navršenih 18 godina

- osobe starosti od 14 do 18 godina mogu sudjelovati ukoliko imaju potpisanu dozvolu od strane roditelja ili staratelja LINK NA OBRAZAC

- izvršili su prijavu za utrku (ispunjeni online obrazac na + izvršena uplata startnine)

Prijava na utrku vrijedi za DVA NATJECATELJA (tandem), jer se vesla u paru. Kajake za utrku osigurava organizator.

Natjecatelji su prijavom i uplatom kotizacije izravno suglasni da se na utrci natječu na osobnu odgovornost, da su upoznati s pravilima i propisima utrke kojih će se pridržavati, kao i mogućim rizicima koje natjecanje sadrži te se odriču mogućnosti prenošenja odgovornosti na organizatora utrke, kao i prema natjecateljima ili trećim osobama. Svojom prijavom natjecatelji potvrđuju da su u odgovarajućoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji primjerenoj za ovakvu vrstu natjecanja.


Preuzimanje startnih paketa organizirano je na glavnoj lokaciji – na plaži Lozica u Rogoznici, u subotu, 21.09., od 09:30 do 11:00 sati.

Sadržaj startnog paketa: startni broj, natjecateljska majica, vreća za pohranu osobnih stvari u garderobi. Za preuzimanje startnog paketa te startnog broja, obavezno je predočenje osobnog dokumenta. Preuzimanje startnog broja za drugu osobu je moguće isključivo uz predočenje osobnog dokumenta prijavljene osobe.


Svaki TANDEM dobiva svoj startni broj. Startni broj se MORA NOSITI tijekom cijele utrke, na gornjem dijelu tijela, sprijeda, ne smije biti prekriven te mora biti jasno vidljiv. Startni broj nosi natjecatelj koji u kajaku sjedi sprijeda.


Svojom prijavom natjecatelji izjavljuju da su upoznati s popisom OBVEZNE ODJEĆE I OPREME:

- kupaće gaće/kupaći kostim i/ili kratke hlače i majica i/ili kratko ronilačko odijelo

- tenisice, neoprenske papuče ili bos/a


Utrka kreće s postavljene ciljne linije iz mora, nedaleko od obale, vesla se kružno oko postavljenih bova, nakon čega se uplovljava u cilj pred plažom. Staza je duga oko 3 km.

Rezultati utrke bit će objavljeni neposredno po završetku utrke na Internet stranici


Organizator zadržava pravo da, bez prethodne najave, napravi izmjene na stazi, sukladno vremenskim uvjetima.


Uplatom kotizacije natjecatelji potvrđuju da prihvaćaju ova pravila i prijava se smatra


U slučaju nedolaska na utrku, uplaćeni novac se ne vraća.


Za natjecatelje je, uz predočenje startnog broja, nakon utrke osiguran obrok i piće.


Garderoba za pohranu osobnih stvari za vrijeme trajanja utrke osigurana je u neposrednoj blizini starta utrke i čekat će natjecatelje na cilju. Pohrana je moguća isključivo u vreći koja je dio startnog paketa te uz predočenje startnog broja na predaji i preuzimanju. Za nepreuzete stvari u navedenom vremenu, potrebno je kontaktirati predstavnika organizatora na kontakt broj: +385 99 323 9643.


Utrka se održava u prirodi te je sukladno tome obavezno pridržavati se osnovnih pravila zaštite prirode i okoliša te poštivati pravila ponašanja u zaštićenim prirodnim područjima. Natjecatelji tijekom utrke ne smiju zagađivati okoliš te uništavati okolnu floru i faunu, ne smiju bacati otpad te odlagati smeće na bilo kojoj destinaciji gdje se utrka održava, ili isti bacati u vodu.

Budimo pažljivi prema prirodi, sačuvajmo ju i uživajmo u njenom najljepšem obliku!


Prijavom na utrku natjecatelji su suglasni da cjelokupni snimljeni filmski i fotografski materijal može biti javno prikazivan i korišten u promotivne svrhe utrke. Organizator utrke zadržava sva prava za korištenje, kopiranje i distribuiranje svih snimljenih video i foto materijala.


25.5.2018. stupio je na snagu tzv. GDPR ili Europska regulativa za zaštitu osobnih podataka koja određuje kako i pod kojim uvjetima se podaci predani trećoj strani smiju i ne smiju koristiti. Naravno, to se dotiče i nas koji skupljamo vaše podatke u svrhu prijava na natjecanje pa imajte na umu sljedeće:

- podatke koje dobivamo od vas koristit ćemo samo isključivo u svrhu vaše prijave na natjecanje. Te podatke ćemo javno objaviti samo u dva slučaja – objave startne liste natjecatelja i objave rezultata natjecanja. S obzirom da samo natjecanje ne bi imalo smisla bez vaših podataka i oni su postavljeni online isključivo za vašu informaciju, oni se po regulativi koriste dobrovoljno i njihova objava je dopuštena.

- Prilikom svake prijave preko sustava, da biste nastavili ispunjavati podatke, morate se složiti s uvjetima korištenja koji uključuje i GDPR regulativu. U slučaju da imate bilo kakvih prigovora na objavu vaših podataka u vidu startnih i ciljnih lista, javite nam se kako bismo vas iz njih mogli maknuti. Tim potezom se, doduše, gubi smisao vašeg sudjelovanja na natjecanju i gubite poredak na istome, no dužni smo to napraviti ukoliko vi to zatražite.

- od trenutka vaše prijave na natjecanje do samog početka natjecanja, od nas ćete dobiti nekoliko e-mailova s informacijama vezanim uz održavanje natjecanja i prijave na isto, no sve i dalje u kontekstu vaše dobrovoljne participacije na njemu.

- podaci koji će biti objavljeni javno prije natjecanja su: vaše ime i prezime, vaš klub, vaša država. Ostale podatke kao što je vaš datum rođenja, e-mail adresa, adresa stanovanja, grad i svi ostali traženi podaci, ostaju u našoj bazi do kraja natjecanja, u svrhu intervencije prema natjecatelju u slučaju nepredviđenih okolnosti. Podaci se nakon natjecanja brišu i javno ostaju prikazani jedino razultati koji uključuju podatke: vaš startni broj, ime i prezime, državu, klub, kategoriju, spol i mjesto u poretku.

- vaše podatke ne smijemo i nećemo koristiti u druge svrhe, niti prodavati trećim osobama u svrhu remarketinga.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Šibenik, travanj 2024.

Break a leg!

DŠOF SUP RACE 08.10.2023. 10:30 08.10.2023. 12:00 2 km More...

Finished :: 12 registered, 11 numbered, 1 - REG 11 - FIN

Registered Competitors Results


The DŠOF SUP race starts from the given start line from the river next to the beach Krečana, Skradin.  The finish line will be set up in the river, close to the mainland, and a circular tour will be run around two set buoys. The DŠOF SUP trail is about 2,000 meters long (two laps around the buoy). Time will be measured. Each participant independently registers for the race.

All SUP competitors must paddle on their feet (not sitting).





DŠOF SUP RACE is organized as part of the DALMATIA ŠIBENIK OUTDOOR FESTIVAL, by the agency Break a leg, in co-organization with the Šibenik-Knin County Tourist Board and Skradin Tourist Board. The race starts on Sunday, 08/10/2023, at 10:30, from the beach Krečana in Skradin. The route is 2 km long. 


All persons who meet the following conditions can participate in the DŠOF SUP race:

- over 18 years of age

- persons aged 14 to 18 can participate if they have a signed permit from their parents or guardians    (                                                       

- have registered for the race (completed online form at + paid entry fee)

If the competitor does not have his own SUP (inflatable board), the organizer will provide him with an inflatable board and a paddle.

If the competitor has his own SUP - he can compete on it with the rule that this race is exclusively for inflatable boards up to 12.6'' long.

By registering and paying the registration fee, the competitor directly agrees that he competes in the race under his own responsibility, that he is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race that he will adhere to, as well as the possible risks that the competition contains, and renounces the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizer of the race, as well as towards competitors or third parties. With his application, the competitor confirms that he is in the appropriate psycho-physical condition suitable for this type of competition.


Pick-up of start packages is organized at the main location - on the beach Krečana in Skradin, on Sunday, 08.10. from 09:00 to 10:00.

Content of the start package: start number, competition T-shirt, bag for storing personal belongings in the wardrobe. To collect the start package and start number, it is mandatory to present a personal document. Downloading the start number for another person is only possible upon presentation of the personal document of the registered person.


Each competitor receives his starting number. The starting number MUST BE WORN throughout the competition, on the upper part of the body, in the front, it must not be covered and it must be clearly visible.


With his application, the competitor declares that he is familiar with the list of MANDATORY CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT:

- swimming trunks/swimsuit and/or shorts and T-shirt and/or short diving suit

- neoprene slippers or bare feet 


The DŠOF SUP race starts from the given start line from the water, on the beach Krečana, Skradin. The finish line will be set up in the water, close to the mainland, and a circular tour will be run around two set buoys. The DŠOF SUP trail is about 2.000 meters long (two laps around the buoy). Time will be measured. Each participant independently registers for the race.

All SUP competitors must paddle on their feet (not sitting).

The results of the race will be published immediately after the end of the race on the organizer's website.


The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the course without prior notice, in accordance with weather conditions.


By paying the registration fee, the competitor confirms that he accepts these rules and the application is considered valid.

In case of a no-show to the race, the money paid is not returned.


A cloakroom for storing personal belongings for the duration of the race is provided in the immediate vicinity of the start of the race and will be waiting for the competitors at the finish line. Storage is possible only in the bag that is part of the start package and with the presentation of the start number at handover and pick-up. For things not picked up within the specified time, it is necessary to contact the representative of the organizer at the contact number: +385 99 323 9643.


The races are held in nature, and accordingly it is mandatory to adhere to the basic rules of nature and environment protection and to respect the rules of behavior in protected natural areas. During the race, competitors must not pollute the environment and destroy the surrounding flora and fauna, they must not throw waste and dispose of garbage at any destination between the start and finish of the race, nor throw it into the sea.

Let's be attentive to nature, preserve it and enjoy it in its most beautiful form!


By registering for the race, the contestants agree that all filmed and photographic material may be publicly shown and used for promotional purposes of the race. The race organizer reserves all rights to use, copy and distribute all recorded video and photo materials.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Šibenik, July 2023.

Break a leg!

DŠOF Speed climbing competition 07.10.2023. 15:00 07.10.2023. 17:00 More...

Finished :: 10 registered, 6 numbered, 4 - REG 6 - FIN

Registered Competitors Results




DŠOF SPORTS CLIMBING COMPETITION is organized as part of the DALMATIA ŠIBENIK OUTDOOR FESTIVAL, by the agency Break a leg, in co-organization with the Šibenik-Knin County Tourist Board and Tourist Board of Skradin.


All persons who meet the following conditions can participate in the COMPETITION:

- over 18 years of age

- persons aged 14 to 18 can participate if they have a signed permission from their parents or guardians  

- have registered for the race (completed online form at + paid entry fee)

By registering and paying the registration fee, competitors directly agree that they compete in the race on their own responsibility, that they are familiar with the rules and regulations of the race that they will adhere to, as well as the possible risks that the competition contains, and they waive the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizer of the race, as well as according to competitors or third parties. With their application, competitors confirm that they are in adequate psycho-physical condition for this type of competition.


Pick-up of start packages is organized at the main location - on the beach Krečana, Skradin, on Saturday, 07.10. from 08:00 to 10:00.

Content of the start package: start number, competition T-shirt, bag for storing personal belongings in the wardrobe, bottle of water, gifts from sponsors. To collect the start package and start number, it is mandatory to present a personal document. Downloading the start number for another person is only possible upon presentation of the personal document of the registered person.


Each climber gets its own starting number. The starting number MUST BE WEARED throughout the race, on the upper part of the body, in the front, it must not be covered and it must be clearly visible.


With their application, competitors declare that they are familiar with the list of MANDATORY CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT:

- comfortable sportswear (short or long T-shirt, short or long pants)

- sneakers


The sport climbing competition will take place in one climbing direction. Competitors climb secured from above (so-called top rope), and the criterion for determining the position of competitors in the overall standings represents the time required for successful mastering of the direction. The climb time spans the time from the start signal of the referee to the moment when the competitor touches the anchorage with one hand.

The results of the competition will be published immediately after the end of the race on the organizer's website.


The organizer reserves the right, without prior notice, to make changes to the track, in accordance with weather conditions.


By paying the registration fee, competitors confirm that they accept these rules and the application is considered valid.

In case of no-show at the race, the registration fee is not refunded.


Refreshment is provided for competitors on site.


A cloakroom for storing personal belongings for the duration of the race is provided in the immediate vicinity of the climbing site. Storage is possible only in the bag that is part of the start package and with the presentation of the start number at handover and pick-up. For items not picked up within the specified time, it is necessary to contact the representative of the organizer at the contact number: +385 99 323 9643.


The race is held in nature and, accordingly, it is mandatory to adhere to the basic rules of nature and environmental protection and to respect the rules of behavior in protected natural areas. During the race, competitors must not pollute the environment and destroy the surrounding flora and fauna, they must not throw waste and dispose of garbage at any destination where the race is held, or throw it into the sea.

Let's be attentive to nature, preserve it and enjoy it in its most beautiful form!


By registering for the race, the contestants agree that all filmed and photographic material may be publicly shown and used for promotional purposes of the race. The race organizer reserves all rights to use, copy and distribute all recorded video and photo materials.


                                                                                                                                                                                                              Šibenik, July 2023.


Break a leg!

DŠOF Trail 12,5 km 07.10.2023. 10:30 07.10.2023. 15:00 12.5 km 325 m 325 m More...

Finished :: 95 registered, 78 numbered, 17 - REG 70 - FIN 7 - DNS 1 - DSQ

Registered Competitors Results


The Medium trail of the DŠOF trail is a circular trail 12.5 km long and overcomes 325 m in height. The first two kilometers follow the Short Trail with serpentines, macadam and forest, and after that turn to the right and continue along the forest path up to 3 kilometers when it breaks out onto the "Olive Track". In the next 2 kilometers, running through olive groves, the views of the Krka National Park and the course of the Krka River open. After passing the olive grove, the trail heads to the right and follows the gravel road towards Dubravice and the hamlet of Laće. At 6.5 km, the trail turns with macadam into the forest and crosses the streams. At 8 km there is the first and only refreshment station on the MediumTrail. After refreshment, the route follows the 2.5 km long cycling trail, when the serpentines begin to descend towards Skradin. Like The Short Trail, Medium climbs the Turina Fortress from which it heads towards the finish line on Skradin Beach. 




DŠOF Trail races (5 km, 12.5 km and 24 km) as part of DALMATIA ŠIBENIK OUTDOOR FESTIVAL are organized by the agency Break a leg, in co-organization with the Šibenik Knin County Tourist Board. 5K & 12.5K trails start on Saturday, 07.10.2023. at 10:30, while 24K trail starts at 10:00. All start from Skradin beach Krečana. 

Participants can compete in three categories:
5 km 
12,5 km
24 km 


All persons who meet the following requirements may participate in the races:

- 18 years old

- persons aged 14-18 years can participate if they have a license signed by a parent or a guardian

- competitors under the age of 14 may participate accompanied by an adult responsible for the minor competitor and with a signed permission to participate from a parent or guardian (

- have adequate psycho-physical fitness for long-term efforts and activities in nature

- have applied for the race (have completed online form at www.stotinka + have paid the registration fee)

By registering, the competitor directly agrees to compete in the race at his own risk, that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race, which he/she will adhere to as well as the possible risks that the competitions contain.

By registering, the competitor declares that he is familiar with the list of RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT, extremely important for his personal safety and that by not wearing it he exposes himself to an increased risk of dehydration, hypothermia, inability to repair injuries, inability to call for help, inability to help injured competitors, inability to contact the organizer and even death. By registering, the competitor waives the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizer of the race, as well as to other competitors or third parties. By registering, the competitor confirms that he/she is in the appropriate psycho-physical condition appropriate for this type of competition.



List of equipment recommended by the organizer to all competitors, regardless of the length of the race:

- backpack or belt around the waist

- bottle with a minimum of 0.5 l of liquid at the start

- food (gel, energy bar, ...)

- first aid kit (min: 1 elastic bandage, 1 first bandage, 2 compresses, patches of different sizes)

- mobile phone (on, with battery charged and memorized numbers of the organizer)

Recommended equipment / according to weather conditions:

- rain/wind/sun protection clothing

- sunscreen

- spare clothes



Pick-up of start packages is organized at the main location - on the beach Krečana, Skradin, on Saturday, 07.10. from 08:00 to 10:00.
Contents of the start package: bib number, competitive T-shirt, bag for storing personal belongings in the dressing room. In order to pick up the start package and the bib number, it is mandatory to present an identity document. Downloading the bib number for another person is possible only upon presentation of the personal document of the registered person. 



When confirming registrations, each competitor will receive a bib number. The bib number must be worn throughout the race, on the upper body, front, it must not be covered and must be clearly visible (it is not allowed to wear the bib number on the legs, back, backpack, on the sides).

Each bib number has a prominent contact phone of the organizer in case of an emergency call.



Wardrobe for storing personal belongings for the duration of the race is provided in the immediate vicinity of the Start / Finish line of the race. Storage is possible only in a bag that is part of the start package and with the presentation of the bib number at handover and pick-up. For uncollected items within the specified time, it is necessary to contact the representative of the organizer at the following contact number +385 99 323 9643.



At the finish line, all contestants have LUNCH.



Several checkpoints will be marked at the races where the representative of the organizers will be present.
The passing of runners is read at the START and at the entrance to the FINISH LINE. The results of the race will be published immediately after the end of the race on the organizer's website.



The 5 km long trail will be marked with GREEN markings, the 12,5 km long trail will be marked with YELLOW markings, the 24 km long trail will be marked with RED markings.



The time to finish the race is limited. In order for a competitor to be included in the official standings, the race must be completed within a certain time limit (2 hours for a 5 km trail, 4 hours for a 12.5 km trail, 7 hours for the 24 km trail).



Competitors who decide to quit the race must do the following:

- inform the organizer about the withdrawal at the nearest refreshment station or

- return to the start/finish line and inform the organizer of the withdrawal or

- inform the organizer of the withdrawal via mobile phone (displayed on the bib number).

If the withdrawal is caused by an injury and if the competitor is not able to continue to the nearest refreshment station or finish line of the race, the competitor is obliged to contact the organizer via mobile phone/with the help of other competitors on the number indicated on the bib number. Upon receipt of the information, the organizer will activate the medical and rescue service on duty.



The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the track, refreshment stations at any time and without prior notice. Any changes will be announced on the race's official website.



By paying the registration fee, the competitor confirms that he accepts these rules and the application is considered valid.

In case of a no-show at the race, the registration fee is not refunded.



Races are held in nature and accordingly it is mandatory to adhere to the basic rules of nature and environmental protection and to respect the rules of conduct in protected natural areas. During the race, competitors must not pollute the environment and destroy the surrounding flora and fauna, do not throw waste on the race track and dispose of garbage at any destination between the start and finish of the race, except at refreshment stations.

Let's be attentive to nature, preserve it and enjoy its most beautiful form!



By registering for the race, the competitors agree that the entire video and photo material can be publicly displayed and used for promotional purposes of the race. The race organizer reserves all rights to use, copy and distribute all recorded video and photo materials.


                                                                                                                                                                                                      Šibenik, July 2023.



Break a leg!

DŠOF Trail 5 km 07.10.2023. 10:30 07.10.2023. 13:00 5 km 198 m 198 m More...

Finished :: 119 registered, 103 numbered, 16 - REG 102 - FIN 1 - DNF

Registered Competitors Results


The short trail is 5 km long and starts from the beach in Skradin, it is designed for people who are used to a certain level of physical activity, but can also be passed by beginners. It passes by the church of St. Peter Jerome from where it climbs by serpentines the plateau between Skradin and Dubravice. After 500m, the trail with macadam turns left and passes through a pine forest in the length of 1km when it again exits the gravel road, turns to the right and returns to Skradin itself with serpentines; passing the Skradin streets it climbs to the Turina Fortress, which offers a beautiful view of the entire Skradin and Skradin channel. The trail continues through the center of Skradin and ends on the beach from which it started.




DŠOF Trail races (5 km, 12.5 km and 24 km) as part of DALMATIA ŠIBENIK OUTDOOR FESTIVAL are organized by the agency Break a leg, in co-organization with the Tourist Board of the Šibenik municipality and Skradin Tourist Board. Trails of 5 km and 12.5 km start on Saturday, 07/10/2023 at 10:30, while trail of 24 km starts at 10:00. All start from Skradin beach Krečana.



Participants can compete in three categories:
5 km
12.5 km
24 km


All persons who meet the following requirements may participate in the races:

- 18 years old

- persons aged 14-18 years can participate if they have a license signed by a parent or a guardian

- competitors under the age of 14 may participate accompanied by an adult responsible for the minor competitor and with a signed permission to participate from a parent or guardian (

- have adequate psycho-physical fitness for long-term efforts and activities in nature

- have applied for the race (have completed online form at www.stotinka + have paid the registration fee)

By registering, the competitor directly agrees to compete in the race at his own risk, that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race, which he/she will adhere to as well as the possible risks that the competitions contain.

By registering, the competitor declares that he is familiar with the list of RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT, extremely important for his personal safety and that by not wearing it he exposes himself to an increased risk of dehydration, hypothermia, inability to repair injuries, inability to call for help, inability to help injured competitors, inability to contact the organizer and even death. By registering, the competitor waives the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizer of the race, as well as to other competitors or third parties. By registering, the competitor confirms that he/she is in the appropriate psycho-physical condition appropriate for this type of competition.



List of equipment recommended by the organizer to all competitors, regardless of the length of the race:

- backpack or belt around the waist

- bottle with a minimum of 0.5 l of liquid at the start

- food (gel, energy bar, ...)

- first aid kit (min: 1 elastic bandage, 1 first bandage, 2 compresses, patches of different sizes)

- mobile phone (on, with battery charged and memorized numbers of the organizer)

Recommended equipment / according to weather conditions:

- rain/wind/sun protection clothing

- sunscreen

- spare clothes



Pick-up of start packages is organized at the main location - on the Krečana beach in Skradin, on Saturday, 07/10/2023, from 08:00 to 10:00.

Contents of the start package: bib number, competitive T-shirt, bag for storing personal belongings in the dressing room. In order to pick up the start package and the bib number, it is mandatory to present an identity document. Downloading the bib number for another person is possible only upon presentation of the personal document of the registered person. 



When confirming registrations, each competitor will receive a bib number. The bib number must be worn throughout the race, on the upper body, front, it must not be covered and must be clearly visible (it is not allowed to wear the bib number on the legs, back, backpack, on the sides).

Each bib number has a prominent contact phone of the organizer in case of an emergency call.



Wardrobe for storing personal belongings for the duration of the race is provided in the immediate vicinity of the Start / Finish line of the race. Storage is possible only in a bag that is part of the start package and with the presentation of the bib number at handover and pick-up. For uncollected items within the specified time, it is necessary to contact the representative of the organizer at the following contact number +385 99 323 9643.



At the finish line, all contestants have LUNCH.



Several checkpoints will be marked at the races where the representative of the organizers will be present.
The passing of runners is read at the START and at the entrance to the FINISH LINE. The results of the race will be published immediately after the end of the race on the organizer's website.



The 5 km long trail will be marked with GREEN markings, the 12.5 km long trail will be marked with YELLOW markings, and the 24 km long trail will be marked with RED markings.



The time to finish the race is limited. In order for a competitor to be included in the official standings, the race must be completed within a certain time limit (2 hours for a 5 km trail, 4 hours for a 12.5 trail, and 6 hours for a 24 km trail).



Competitors who decide to quit the race must do the following:

- inform the organizer about the withdrawal at the nearest refreshment station or

- return to the start/finish line and inform the organizer of the withdrawal or

- inform the organizer of the withdrawal via mobile phone (displayed on the bib number).

If the withdrawal is caused by an injury and if the competitor is not able to continue to the nearest refreshment station or finish line of the race, the competitor is obliged to contact the organizer via mobile phone / with the help of other competitors on the number indicated on the bib number. Upon receipt of the information, the organizer will activate the medical and rescue service on duty.



The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the track, refreshment stations at any time and without prior notice. Any changes will be announced on the race's official website.



By paying the registration fee, the competitor confirms that he accepts these rules and the application is considered valid.

In case of a no-show at the race, the registration fee is not refunded.



Races are held in nature and accordingly it is mandatory to adhere to the basic rules of nature and environmental protection and to respect the rules of conduct in protected natural areas. During the race, competitors must not pollute the environment and destroy the surrounding flora and fauna, do not throw waste on the race track and dispose of garbage at any destination between the start and finish of the race, except at refreshment stations.

Let's be attentive to nature, preserve it and enjoy its most beautiful form!



By registering for the race, the competitors agree that the entire video and photo material can be publicly displayed and used for promotional purposes of the race. The race organizer reserves all rights to use, copy and distribute all recorded video and photo materials.


                                                                                                                                                                                                         Šibenik, July 2023.



Break a leg!

DŠOF Trail 24 km 07.10.2023. 10:00 07.10.2023. 16:00 24 km 418 m 418 m More...

Finished :: 19 registered, 14 numbered, 5 - REG 13 - FIN 1 - DSQ

Registered Competitors Results


The long trail of DŠOF is a circular trail 24 km long where competitors hike 420 m above sea level. To its 11.8 km trail, the trail follows the Medium trail, climbing from Skradin to the plateau towards Dubravice, passing along the "Maslina Trail" with viewpoints and a view of the Krka National Park and connecting to the cycling trail at 8 km, where competitors willl have the first of two refreshments on the Long Trail. At 11.8 km near st. Petka route Long Trail goes to the right towards Skorići and separates from the Medium Trail. Passing through Skorići, the trail partly follows the route of the highway, and at 15 kilometers passes under the highway and continues towards Prokljan lake. At 17 km, the competitors come to the lake and suddenly turn to the left following a gravel road fro 1 km until the second refreshment station. After the refreshment station, through the pine forest, the trail leads all the way to the Skradin Bridge, under which it passes and descends into the canyon of the River Krka. Coming to Skradin itself, the long trail competitors climb the Turin Fortress and continue through the center of Skradin to the finish line on Skradin beach.




DŠOF Trail races (5km, 12.5 km, 24 km) as part of DALMATIA ŠIBENIK OUTDOOR FESTIVAL are organized by the agency Break a leg, in co-organization with the Šibenik-Knin County Tourist Board and Skradin Tourist Board. Trails of 5 km and 12.5 km start on Saturday, 07/10/2023, at 10:30, while trail of 24 km starts at 10:00. All start from Skradin beach Krečana. 


Participants can compete in three categories:
5 km 
12.5 km
24 km 


All persons who meet the following requirements may participate in the races:

- 18 years old

- persons aged 14-18 years can participate if they have a license signed by a parent or a guardian

- competitors under the age of 14 may participate accompanied by an adult responsible for the minor competitor and with a signed permission to participate from a parent or guardian (

- have adequate psycho-physical fitness for long-term efforts and activities in nature

- have applied for the race (have completed online form at + have paid the registration fee)

By registering, the competitor directly agrees to compete in the race at his own risk, that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race, which he/she will adhere to as well as the possible risks that the competitions contain.

By registering, the competitor declares that he is familiar with the list of RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT, extremely important for his personal safety and that by not wearing it he exposes himself to an increased risk of dehydration, hypothermia, inability to repair injuries, inability to call for help, inability to help injured competitors, inability to contact the organizer and even death. By registering, the competitor waives the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizer of the race, as well as to other competitors or third parties. By registering, the competitor confirms that he/she is in the appropriate psycho-physical condition appropriate for this type of competition.



List of equipment recommended by the organizer to all competitors, regardless of the length of the race:

- backpack or belt around the waist

- bottle with a minimum of 0.5 l of liquid at the start

- food (gel, energy bar, ...)

- first aid kit (min: 1 elastic bandage, 1 first bandage, 2 compresses, patches of different sizes)

- mobile phone (on, with battery charged and memorized numbers of the organizer)

Recommended equipment / according to weather conditions:

- rain/wind/sun protection clothing

- sunscreen

- spare clothes



Pick-up of start packages is organized at the main location - on the beach Krečana in Skradin, on Saturday, 07.10. from 08:00 to 10:00.
Contents of the start package: bib number, competitive T-shirt, bag for storing personal belongings in the dressing room. In order to pick up the start package and the bib number, it is mandatory to present an identity document. Downloading the bib number for another person is possible only upon presentation of the personal document of the registered person. 



When confirming registrations, each competitor will receive a bib number. The bib number must be worn throughout the race, on the upper body, front, it must not be covered and must be clearly visible (it is not allowed to wear the bib number on the legs, back, backpack, on the sides).

Each bib number has a prominent contact phone of the organizer in case of an emergency call.



Wardrobe for storing personal belongings for the duration of the race is provided in the immediate vicinity of the Start / Finish line of the race. Storage is possible only in a bag that is part of the start package and with the presentation of the bib number at handover and pick-up. For uncollected items within the specified time, it is necessary to contact the representative of the organizer at the following contact number +385 99 323 9643.



At the finish line, all contestants have LUNCH.



Several checkpoints will be marked at the races where the representative of the organizers will be present.
The passing of runners is read at the START and at the entrance to the FINISH LINE. The results of the race will be published immediately after the end of the race on the organizer's website.



The 5 km long trail will be marked with GREEN markings, the 12.5 km long trail will be marked with YELLOW markings, the 24 km long trail will be marked with RED markings.



The time to finish the race is limited. In order for a competitor to be included in the official standings, the race must be completed within a certain time limit (2 hours for a 5 km trail, 4 hours for a 12.5 km trail, and 6 hours for the 24 km trail).



Competitors who decide to quit the race must do the following:

- inform the organizer about the withdrawal at the nearest refreshment station or

- return to the start / finish line and inform the organizer of the withdrawal or

- inform the organizer of the withdrawal via mobile phone (displayed on the bib number)

If the withdrawal is caused by an injury and if the competitor is not able to continue to the nearest refreshment station or finish line of the race, the competitor is obliged to contact the organizer via mobile phone / with the help of other competitors on the number indicated on the bib number. Upon receipt of the information, the organizer will activate the medical and rescue service on duty.



The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the track, refreshment stations at any time and without prior notice. Any changes will be announced on the race's official website.



By paying the registration fee, the competitor confirms that he accepts these rules and the application is considered valid.

In case of a no-show at the race, the registration fee is not refunded.



Races are held in nature and accordingly it is mandatory to adhere to the basic rules of nature and environmental protection and to respect the rules of conduct in protected natural areas. During the race, competitors must not pollute the environment and destroy the surrounding flora and fauna, do not throw waste on the race track and dispose of garbage at any destination between the start and finish of the race, except at refreshment stations.

Let's be attentive to nature, preserve it and enjoy its most beautiful form!



By registering for the race, the competitors agree that the entire video and photo material can be publicly displayed and used for promotional purposes of the race. The race organizer reserves all rights to use, copy and distribute all recorded video and photo materials.


                                                                                                                                                                                                 Šibenik, July 2023.


Break a leg!

Break a leg! d.o.o.

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser Break a leg! is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser Break a leg! directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to



Phone: +385993239643

Address: Andrije Hebranga 10, 23000 Zadar, CRO - Croatia

Organiser links