Pokret odmora

Cres Trail 2022 GREEN 8 km 30.10.2022. 11:00 30.10.2022. 17:00 8.3 km 200 m 200 m Več...

Končana :: 236 prijavljeni, 201 plačani, 207 Dodeljene štartne številke, 29 - REG 183 - FIN 24 - DNS

ARU 1 Aruba
CRO 204 Croatia
ESP 1 Spain
GER 1 Germany
ITA 11 Italy
SLO 18 Slovenia

CRO 174 Croatia
GER 1 Germany
ITA 11 Italy
SLO 15 Slovenia

CRO 178 Croatia
GER 1 Germany
ITA 11 Italy
SLO 17 Slovenia

Dogodek - Javno Tekma Prijavljeni tekmovalci Rezultati

CRES & LOŠINJ TRAIL WEEKEND 29.10. - 30.10.2022.

 Cres & Lošinj Trail Weekend is a trail race consisting of two separate stages with three different length categories: PURPLE, BLUE and GREEN. The participants choose the category and register for one day or both days of this unique trail event. They can choose different categories for each day.
The idea behind this race is to connect both islands and show their beauty, hidden places and prominent peaks in the trail race style.
The first stage takes place on the island of Lošinj on 29. 10. 2022., and the second stage on the island of Cres on 30. 10. 2022.

The winner is announced after each race, and the overall winner of Cres & Lošinj Trail Weekend is announced in both MEN and WOMEN categories.
The overall winner is the one with the fastest time in both PURPLE category races combined.

Pokret odmora

Udruga outdoor aktivnosti Pokret odmora

Plačilo in korekcija rezultatov dirke
  • Organizator Pokret odmora je odgovoren za točnost podatkov o tekmi, odpiranje in zapiranje prijav ter evidentiranje plačil.
  • Ta spletna stran nima dostopa do bančnega računa organizatorja, na katerega se nakazujejo prijavnine.
  • Splošna vprašanja v zvezi s prijavami ter druga vprašanja v zvezi s tekmo neposredno v zvezi s plačili in drugih naslovite neposredno na organizatorja Pokret odmora
  • Vprašanja v zvezi z delovanjem sistema ter vprašanja v zvezi z rezultati tekme pošljite na naslov timing@stotinka.hr

Spletna stran: http://remarkable.events

Email: clt@remarkable.events

Telefon: +385 (0) 91 75 15 975

Naslov: Malešnica 50, 10090 Zagreb, CRO - Croatia

Organizatorjevi linki
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cres.losinj.trail/