SRK 031

10. kolo - 5km - humanitarna liga za djecu super junake

04.05.2017. 18:00 04.05.2017. 19:30
5 km

Evento - Public La gara I partecipanti registrati Risultati
Risultati di ricerca I partecipanti principali Risultati I risultati - non ha rango
Risultati - Uomo Risultati - Donne Risultati - Uomo - Gruppo di età Risultati - Donne - Gruppo di età
Humanitarna liga za djecu super junake 2017 classifiche di campionato

Risultati - Uomo

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
1 20Dino ŠvarcerM Ak Slavonija žito CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:22:0219:073:49 15,69M 1 :: 1 - MS
2 26Dejan AmanM IJP Osijek CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:22:2019:263:53 15,45M 2 :: 2 - MS
3 53Daniel IkicaM MK sokol CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:23:2120:264:05 14,68M 3 :: 1 - M50
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:24:2121:274:17 14,00M 4 :: 1 - M40
5 30Tihomir KovačM MK Sokol Osijek CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:24:3721:424:20 13,82M 5 :: 2 - M40
6 31Davor MilakovićM IND CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:24:4721:534:22 13,72M 6 :: 3 - MS
7 57Zvonimir VakanjacM Ind CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:25:0022:064:25 13,58M 7 :: 1 - M45
8 56Zlatko RomanovicM Ind CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:25:0722:124:26 13,51M 8 :: 2 - M50
9 23Tomislav CizmadijaM Udruga zdravo trcanje CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:25:1622:224:28 13,42M 9 :: 1 - M35
10 27Daniel SrbM UZT CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:25:4922:554:35 13,10M 10 :: 3 - M50
11 18Petar MarijanovićM CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:26:4623:524:46 12,58M 11 :: 2 - M35
12 4Tomislav BilandžićM Žuti šešir CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:27:1124:174:51 12,36M 12 :: 3 - M40
13 29petar kunaM hrvatski sokol CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:28:1925:255:05 11,81M 13 :: 4 - MS
14 24Antun PongračićM Daltoni CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:29:3026:355:19 11,29M 14 :: 2 - M45
15 17Daniel KrižanecM IND CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:29:3526:405:20 11,25M 15 :: 4 - M40
16 28Šime DemoM AK Slavonija-žito CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:30:1127:175:27 11,00M 16 :: 5 - MS
17 1Slobodan HegyiM IND CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:30:1227:185:27 11,00M 17 :: 3 - M35
18 9Ivan BartolovićM Lege Osijek CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:30:4627:515:34 10,77M 18 :: 4 - M35
19 55Mario PadanM Ind CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:30:5528:015:36 10,71M 19 :: 6 - MS
20 39ivica KotrišM UZT CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:31:5529:005:48 10,34M 20 :: 3 - M45
21 2Krešimir PavelićM Daltoni CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:36:0433:106:38 9,05M 21 :: 4 - M45
22 32Danijel DunkovićM Ak Slatina CROFIN
La fine
04.05.2017. 18:38:3235:377:07 8,42M 22 :: 7 - MS
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