
The Lung Run virtual race of 5 km to 37 km and more 25.10.2020. 00:00 25.10.2020. 23:59 Više...

Završena :: 96 prijavljeno, 49 plaćeno, 96 - REG

AFG 1 Afghanistan
BEL 1 Belgium
BUL 1 Bulgaria
CRO 30 Croatia
CZE 9 Czechia
DEN 1 Denmark
GBR 3 Great Britain
GER 4 Germany
HUN 2 Hungary
IND 1 India
ITA 1 Italy
KOS 1 Kosovo
MKD 23 North Macedonia
POL 2 Poland
ROU 6 Romania
SRB 4 Serbia
SUI 1 Switzerland
UKR 1 Ukraine
USA 4 United States

AFG 1 Afghanistan
BEL 1 Belgium
CRO 13 Croatia
CZE 2 Czechia
DEN 1 Denmark
GBR 1 Great Britain
GER 2 Germany
HUN 2 Hungary
ITA 1 Italy
MKD 12 North Macedonia
POL 2 Poland
ROU 6 Romania
SRB 1 Serbia
SUI 1 Switzerland
UKR 1 Ukraine
USA 2 United States

Događaj - Javno Utrka Prijavljeni natjecatelji Rezultati

For awareness, data, change

The Lung Run virtual race is a support race for the runners who will be on site in Novaci, North Macedonia, monitoring air pollution in real time.

Participants in the physical “The Lung Run” will collect real-time data about pollution levels in the area of the course, which is sited next to the Bitola coal power facility in North Macedonia.

Participants in the Virtual race will be showing solidarity with communities affected by exposure to harmful air pollution from coal power plants.

Find out more:

The Lung Run is organised by CEE Bankwatch

The Lung Run virtual race is for any runner that cannot join us in person for the Lung Run trail run in Novaci, North Macedonia. 

It is open to all runners motivated by environmental consciousness and raising awareness about the effects of air pollution caused by coal power plants. Like the physical Lung Run, the virtual race has a charitable component to support communities affected by pollution. 

The course

On 25 October 2020, participants in the virtual race can run any distance above five kilometres on any terrain. We want all runners to be able to participate without travel barriers or location restrictions. Participants are expected to follow local health and safety protocols for their runs, gatherings and outdoor activities. 

By completing a run of five kilometres or more, finishers receive a medal and certificate. Runs of longer than 37 kilometres will receive a nice finishers’ t shirt (limited to the first 100 runners).


All runners who register for the virtual race agree to pay the 5 euro registration fee, which will then be donated to the Municipality of Novaci to help purchase air pollution monitoring sensors. 

All runners should also register for the virtual race on Strava so that their run is recorded.

Support the cause

Runners in the virtual race are asked to share photos and messages of solidarity with the Novaci community in North Macedonia that is affected by pollution from the local coal power plant.

Upload the photo on the FB event page.

Share photos on social channels with the hashtags: #TheLungRun #RunForData #RunForChange 

Volunteer to carry a pollution monitoring device

Three self-exposure monitoring devices are available to be shipped in Europe to runners who want to monitor air quality on race day. These devices gather information about air-borne particulate matter, volatile organic compounds and nitrous oxides caused by exhaust gas.

The device and app provide real-time exposure data that will be mapped during the run.

Runners can indicate willingness to carry a device on the registration form, with priority given to runners in places with notoriously poor air quality or those that lack official monitoring data. 

The three volunteers can then keep the devices.

Please note that at least seven days are needed to ship the device, so register in advance.


Runners who complete a race of more than five kilometres will receive a medal and finisher certificate. Those who run 37 kilometres or more will also receive a nice t-shirt (limited to the first hundred runners).

The event does not award cash prizes to the best participants.


CEE Bankwatch Network

Plaćanje i korekcija rezultata utrka
  • Organizator Bankwatch je odgovoran za točnost podataka utrke, otvaranje i zatvaranje prijava i evidenciju plaćanja naknada za utrku.
  • Ova web stranica nema pristup bankovnom računu organizatora.
  • Molimo pitajte organizatora Bankwatch izravno vezano uz plaćanja i druge informacije o utrci.
  • Bilo koja druga pitanja u vezi s rezultatima utrke treba poslati na

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