CroFull Adventure

Mountain Madness OCR - dječja utrka - sva godišta 24.06.2023. 12:00 24.06.2023. 12:30 1 km 50 m 50 m More...

Finished :: 12 registered, 12 - REG

CRO 12 Croatia

Event - Public Race Registered Competitors Results

Drage trkačice i trkači,
s ponosom najavljujemo deveto po redu izdanje već poznate Mountain Madness utrke sa preprekama u Ravnoj Gori.
Mjesto održavanja: Ravna Gora (Osnovna škola, Ivana Mažuranića 22)
Vrijeme održavanja: 24.06.2023.
Start – cilj utrke: osnovna škola
Konfiguracija staze: otvoreno polje sa minimalnim usponom uz nekoliko jednostavnih prepreka za djecu. 

Kotizacija: besplatna
na mobitel +385 98 525 938,
Svaki natjecatelj svojom prijavom izravno je suglasan da se na utrci natječe na osobnu odgovornost, te da je upoznat s mogućim rizicima koje ovo natjecanje sadrži. Svojom prijavom natjecatelj se odriče mogućnosti prenošenja odgovornosti na organizatora utrke bilo prema natjecateljima ili trećim osobama. Svojom prijavom natjecatelj potvrđuje da je zdravstveno sposoban i u odgovarajućoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji primjerenoj za ovakvu vrstu natjecanja.
Obavještavamo Vas da se događaj na kojem sudjelujete snima te se snimke i fotografije s istog mogu koristiti u marketinške svrhe za promociju organizatora događaja. Isto je tako moguće da će se snimke i fotografije objaviti u tiskanim ili
elektroničkim medijima i/ili na društvenim mrežama organizatora. U tom smislu, sve informacije o zaštiti osobnih podataka koje organizator obraduje dostupne su u Izjavi o privatnosti na linku:

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW!!! With his registration, each competitor directly agrees that he competes in the race at his own risk, and that he is aware of the possible risks that this competition contains. With his application, the competitor waives the possibility of transferring responsibility to the race organizer, either towards the competitors or third parties. With his application, the competitor confirms that he is healthy and in the appropriate psycho-physical condition suitable for this type of competition.
We inform you that the event you are participating in is being recorded and the recordings and photos from it can be used for marketing purposes for the promotion of the event organizer. It is also possible that recordings and photos will be published in print or electronic media and/or on the organizer's social networks. In this regard, all information on the protection of personal data processed by the organizer is available in the Privacy Statement at the link:

1. Participants must follow the marked route according to their category. It is forbidden to use roads outside the track and shorten the track.
2. Participants compete at their own risk.
3. All participants accept all the rules and conditions of the race announcement (registration conditions, hourly rate, etc.)
4. Participants must wear all prescribed mandatory equipment.
5. Participants must wear the starting number so that it is visible throughout the race, on the chest or stomach, otherwise they may be disqualified
6. Participants must follow all instructions given by officials at check-in, checkpoints, road crossings and all other locations.
7. All competitors who withdraw must inform the organizer about this by sending an SMS (the organizer's number is on the start number) with their competition number, name and surname.
8. If each category has its own start time, and the participants do not start at the correct time, they are directly disqualified from the race.
9. The organizer has the right to change the prescribed hours of the race.
10. In case of certain circumstances, the organizer has the right to change the course for safety reasons.
11. In case of postponement or cancellation of the race due to force majeure, the organizer is not obliged to refund the entry fee to the participants, unless the organizer decides to regulate this item differently, but it must officially announce this on the social networks of the race before the end of registration.
12. If the competitor cancels his arrival, the entry fee is refunded in the amount of 50% if his arrival is canceled at least 2 months before the start of the race. If the arrival is canceled less than 2 months before the start of the race, there is no refund of the entry fee.
13. Littering on the course or anywhere else where it is not designated is an immediate disqualification.
14. Complaints can be submitted exclusively in electronic form to the e-mail within 48 hours from the end of the race. The organizer is obliged to respond to the complaint within 48 hours of receiving it.
15. Competitors will be disqualified for non-compliance with these rules.
16. HGSS duty is engaged for emergencies

CroFull Adventure

CroFull Adventure

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser CroFull Adventure is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser CroFull Adventure directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to



Phone: + 38598525938

Address: Ivana Mažuranića 18, 51314 Ravna Gora, CRO - Croatia

Organiser links