AK Varaždin

Main race on 10 km 05.07.2020. 10:30 05.07.2020. 13:30 10 km 131 m 80 m More...

Finished :: 401 registered, 293 paid, 288 numbered,

Registered Competitors :: Main race on 10 km

Event - Public Race Registered Competitors Results

Registration Until: 28.06.2020. 23:59

Start: 05.07.2020. 10:30

BIH 5 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 359 Croatia
GAB 1 Gabon
ITA 1 Italy
SLO 35 Slovenia

BIH 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 267 Croatia
ITA 1 Italy
SLO 22 Slovenia

BIH 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 266 Croatia
ITA 1 Italy
SLO 18 Slovenia

Race registration have been closed.

Start NumberLast NameFirst NameSexCategoryCountryClub/TeamFeeStatus
ŽuranVanjaFemale Ž40 SLO - Slovenia/REG registered