Balkana Outdoor

Jahorina Ultra Trail 2015 - UltRa 111 km 01.08.2015. 00:05 02.08.2015. 09:05 111 km More...

Finished :: 70 registered, 56 paid, 57 numbered, 13 - REG 41 - FIN 7 - DNS 9 - DNF

BIH 13 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 20 Croatia
HUN 5 Hungary
SLO 6 Slovenia
SRB 26 Serbia

BIH 11 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 15 Croatia
HUN 5 Hungary
SLO 5 Slovenia
SRB 20 Serbia

BIH 12 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 15 Croatia
HUN 5 Hungary
SLO 5 Slovenia
SRB 20 Serbia

Event - Public Race Registered Competitors Results

(Text in English is below)


Planinarsko društvo Javorina u saradnji s partnerima i kompanijom GMS SPORT kao bh distributerom robne marke Salomon, organizuje prvo izdanje trke Jahorina Ultra Trail koje će se održati od 01. do 02. avgusta 2015. godine.


Jahorina Ultra Trail 2015 je trka koja će se odvijati na stazama različite dužine i na kojoj mogu učestvovati kako trkači rekreativci tako i profesionalni trkači koji u domenu trail trčanja ostvaruju zapažene rezultate u zemljama regiona ali i šire. Trka je kao dvodnevni događaj koncipirana tako da svojim stazama poveže Jahorinu sa drugim dijelovima BiH na način da je cilj svim stazama na istom mjestu na Jahorini (Poljice) dok je startni prostor na različitim lokacijama. Planirane su sljedeće dužine staza i njihove startne pozicije:


Naziv trke




111 km



50 km



34 km



10 km






UltRa: cca 111 km i 4200 kumulativne visinske razlike. Trka startuje u Višegradu, u subotu, 01.08.2015. godine, 00:05 časova. Vremenski limit za završetak trke je 33 sata. 

MaXi: cca 50 km i 2000 kumulativne visinske razlike. Trka startuje na Romaniji, u subotu, 01.08.2015. godine, 07:00 časova. Vremenski limit za završetak trke je 15 sati. 

MiDi: cca 34 km i 1200 kumulativne visinske razlike. Trka startuje u Sarajevu, na Baščaršiji, u subotu, 01.08.2015. godine, 09:00 časova. Vremenski limit za završetak trke je 11 sati. 

MiNi: cca 10 km i 600 m kumulativne visinske razlike. Trka startuje na Poljicama, na Jahorini, u subotu, 01.08.2015. godine u 11:00 časova. Vremenski limit za završetak trke su 3 sata. 

Nakon procesa certificikacije, organizator će za svaku trku objaviti informacije o pripadajućim kvalifikacijskim bodovima kao i potpuni opis staza sa vremenskim limitima po kontrolnim tačkama. 


Za učešće na trkama, takmičari trebaju imati iskustva u kretanju u planinskom okruženju, u zavisnosti od staze koju izaberu, moraju posjedovati solidnu ili izvrsnu fizičku kondiciju te prikladnu obuću i odjeću za kretanje po šumskim zemljanim putevima ili planinarskim stazama kao i dodatnu opremu na trkama na kojima je organizator istu propisao kao obaveznu.


Predprijave počinju 25.03.2015. godine i završavaju 31.05.2015. godine. Ukoliko se do tada ne popuni maksimalan broj učesnika, prijave se otvaraju 01.06. za naredni krug koji traje do 15.07.2015. godine ili do popune maksimalno dozvoljenog broja takmičara. Prijave se vrše online a potpunim se smatraju nakon što učesnik na račun organizatora uplati definisani iznos startnine.


Promotivne cijene startnina od 23.03.2015. do 31.05.2015. godine:

UltRa>111km> 70 KM ili 36 EUR >uplata na račun organizatora

MaXi >50km > 45 KM ili 24 EUR >uplata na račun organizatora

MiDi > 34km > 35 KM ili 18 EUR > uplata na račun organizatora

MiNi > 10 km > 25 KM ili 13 EUR >uplata na račun organizatora


Od 1.06. do 15.07.2015. godine cijena startnina iznosi:

UltRa > 111km > 80 KM ili 41 EUR > uplata na račun organizatora

MaXi > 50km > 55 KM ili 29 EUR > uplata na račun organizatora

MiDi > 34km > 45 KM ili 23 EUR > uplata na račun organizatora

MiNi > 10 km > 35 KM ili 18 EUR > uplata na račun organizatora


Učesnici se takmiče u ženskoj i muškoj konkurenciji dok će na stazi MiDi biti moguće nastupiti i u kategoriji „Vojska/policija“ a na stazi MiNi, u kategoriji „Porodica“. Za pijavu i učešće u kategoriji „Vojska/policija“ takmičari status dokazuju službenom legitimacijom. Za nastup u kategoriji „Porodica“, potrebno je prijaviti tri člana.

Startnina uključuje sljedeće:

  • startni broj,

  • pomoć i okrepu tokom trke,

  • startni paket (majica za trčanje Salomon),

  • elektronsko mjerenje vremena,

  • prevoz do starta (s Jahorine),

  • obrok nakon trke.

Plaćanje startnine
Startnina se uplaćuje na bankovni račun organizatora.

Za uplate iz BiH:

Žiro račun: 562 012 0000 1415 27 otvoren kod NLB Razvojne banke Banja Luka

Primalac: Planinarsko društvo Javorina, Stjepana Lučića bb, Pale

Svrha uplate: Kotizacija – ime i prezime


Za uplate iz inostranstva:

IBAN: BA395620128088612724

Primalac: Planinarsko društvo Javorina, Stjepana Lučića bb, Pale

Svrha uplate: Kotizacija – ime i prezime

Swift code: RAZBBA22

Maksimalan broj učesnika 
Maksimalan broj učesnika je limitiran na 600 i to:

  • 100 na 111 km,

  • 100 na 50 km,

  • 200 na 34 km,

  • 200 na 10 km.


Jednom kada se pruzmu startni brojevi, nije dozvoljena njihova razmjena između učesnika. Preuzimanje startnih brojeva i paketa će se vršiti u četvrtak 30.07. i petak, 31.07.2015. godine u Info centrima u Sarajevu i na Jahorini. O tačnoj lokaciji Info centara i terminima za preuzimanje startnih brojeva i paketa, organizator će blagovremeno obavijestiti učesnike putem objava na web stranici, društvenim mrežama i e-maila. Startni broj i paket se mogu preuzeti isključivo uz pokaz ličnog dokumenta sa fotografijom ili službene legitimacije za učesnike koji se takmiče u kategoriji „Vojska/policija“. Startni broj i paket neće biti moguće preuzeti na Jahorini dan trke, u subotu, 01.08.2015. godine, niti u zoni starta na Baščaršiji, Romaniji i u Višegradu OSIM za MiNi trku čiji start i cilj su na Poljicama, Jahorina, i to najkasnije do 10:00 časova.


Takmičari su obavezni prema utvrđenoj satnici doći na parking ispred hotela Bistrica na Jahorini odakle će imatiorganizovan prevoz do startnih pozicija u Višegradu, na Romaniji i Baščaršiji.

Učesnici UltRa Traila se 31.07.2015. godine okupljaju na naznačenoj lokaciji najkasnije do 20:00h kada polazi autobus do Višegrada. U zoni starta biće organizovan prihvat opreme koju takmičari žele ostaviti na čuvanje a koja će ih čekati u ciljnoj zoni po završetku trke. Organizator odgovara samo za opremu koja se preda akreditovanom licu i koja se upakuje u vreću na kojoj je zabilježen startni broj. Neposredno prije početka trke, organizator će sa učesnicima obaviti tehnički sastanak. Start trke je u 00:05h.

Učesnici MaXi Traila se 01.08.2015. godine okupljaju na naznačenoj lokaciji najkasnije do 05:00h kada polazi autobus do Romanijskog platoa. U zoni starta biće organizovan prihvat opreme koju takmičari žele ostaviti na čuvanje a koja će ih čekati u ciljnoj zoni po završetku trke. Organizator odgovara samo za opremu koja se preda akreditovanom licu i koja se upakuje u vreću na kojoj je zabilježen startni broj. Neposredno prije početka trke, organizator će sa učesnicima obaviti tehnički sastanak. Start trke je u 07:00h.

Učesnici MiDi Traila se 01.08.2015. godine okupljaju na naznačenoj lokaciji najkasnije do 07:00h kada polazi autobus do Baščaršije. U zoni starta biće organizovan prihvat opreme koju takmičari žele ostaviti na čuvanje a koja će ih čekati u ciljnoj zoni po završetku trke. Organizator odgovara samo za opremu koja se preda akreditovanom licu i koja se upakuje u vreću na kojoj je zabilježen startni broj. Neposredno prije početka trke, organizator će sa učesnicima obaviti tehnički sastanak. Start trke je u 09:00h.

Učesnici MiNi Traila se 01.08.2015. godine okupljaju na Poljicama, u zoni starta i cilja najkraće trke najkasnije do 10:45h. U zoni starta biće organizovan prihvat opreme koju takmičari žele ostaviti na čuvanje a koja će ih čekati u ciljnoj zoni po završetku trke. Organizator odgovara samo za opremu koja se preda akreditovanom licu i koja se upakuje u vreću na kojoj je zabilježen startni broj. Neposredno prije početka trke, organizator će sa učesnicima obaviti tehnički sastanak. Start trke je u 11:00h.


UltRa Trail:Višegrad, Kočarin, Sjemećki plato, Sjemeć, Brankovići, Okruglo, Zagorice, Žiličina, Šena Krena, Burati, Han Stjenice, Glasinačko polje, Ravna Romanija, Romanija, Pale, Bijele Stijene, Saračeva Polja, Ravna planina, Jahorina.

MaXi Trail: Ravna Romanija, Romanija, Pale, Bijele Stijene, Saračeva Polja, Ravna planina, Jahorina.

MiDi Trail: Baščaršija, Kozja ćuprija, Dovlići, kanjon Miljacke, Pale, Gornje Pale, Bijele Stijene, Saračeva Polja, Ravna planina, Jahorina.

MiNi Trail: Poljice, Bistrica, Mali Javor, Božića voda, Hladilo, Vidikovac, hotel Bistrica, hotel Partizan, Poljice.

U slučaju vanrednih dešavanja, vremenskih neprilika, zemljotresa, poplava i ekstremnih klimatskih pojava, organizator zadržava pravo otkazivanja trke ili izmjene trase. Eventualne prepreke zbog kojih staza može postati neprohodan, koristiće se alternativni pravci koji će biti objašnjeni na tehničkom sastanku prije početka trke.

Takmičari se MORAJU strogo pridržavati službeno označene staze. Zbog pravila trke, lične sigurnosti i sigurnosti ostalih takmičara i osoblja koje organizuje trku, strogo se zabranjuje korištenje prečica i staza koje nisu označene. Sva odstupanja od službeno označene staze, osim što za sobom povlači diskvalifikaciju, biće na vlastitu odgovornost takmičara.


Mountaineering Association “Javorina” (in cooperation with partners) and GMS SPORT Company (as BH distributor of Salomon brand) organizes the first edition of the Jahorina Ultra Trail race which will take place on August, 1st/2nd, 2015.


Jahorina Ultra Trail 2015 is a competition that will take place on courses of various lengths. Both recreation enthusiasts and professional runners who achieve remarkable results in the field of trail running in the region and beyond can participate. It is a two-day event designed to connect Jahorina with other parts of the country, so that all races will finish at the same place at Jahorina (Poljice) with starting lines located at different places. The races and their starting positions are as follows:



Race title




111 km



50 km



34 km



10 km



UltRa: approx. 111 km, with a variation in altitude of 4200 meters. The race starts in Višegrad, on Saturday, August, 01st, 2015, at 00:05. Time limit: 33 hours.

MaXi: approx. 50 km, with a variation in altitude of 2000 meters. The race starts on Romanija, on Saturday, August, 01st, 2015, at 7:00. Time limit: 15 hours.

MiDi: approx. 34 km, with a variation in altitude of 1200 meters.  The race starts in Sarajevo, on Saturday, August, 01st, 2015, at 9:00. Time limit: 11 hours.

MiNi: approx. 10 km, with a variation in altitude of 600 meters.  The race starts on Poljice, Jahorina mt, on Saturday, August, 01st, 2015, at 11:00. Time limit: 3 hours.

After the certification process is over, the organizers will publish information on respective qualifiers for each race, as well as a full description of all courses with time limits for control points.



To participate in races, competitors should have had previous experience in the mountains. Depending on the course they choose, they must possess solid/ excellent physical condition and suitable footwear and clothing in order to move along forest roads or dirt hiking trails, as well as special equipment for the races for which the organizer prescribes as mandatory.


Pre-registration starts on March 25th, 2015 and closes on May, 31st 2015. Should the maximum number of participants not be reached during the pre-registration, registration shall be opened on June, 1st and shall close on July, 15th 2015 or before, in case the maximum number of competitors is reached. Applications should be made online. They are completed after the participant transfers the defined amount of the entry fee at the bank account of the organizers.

Registration fees

Promotional registration fees from March, 23rd, 2015 – May, 31st, 2015:

UltRa>111km> 70 KM or 36 EUR > payment to account of the organizer

MaXi >50km > 45 KM or 24 EUR > payment to account of the organizer

MiDi > 34km > 35 KM or 18 EUR > payment to account of the organizer

MiNi > 10 km > 25 KM or 13 EUR > payment to account of the organizer


Registration fees from June, 1st – July, 15th, 2015:

UltRa > 111km > 80 KM or 41 EUR > payment to account of the organizer

MaXi >  50km > 55 KM or 29 EUR > payment to account of the organizer

MiDi > 34km > 45 KM or 23 EUR > payment to account of the organizer

MiNi > 10 km > 35 KM or 18 EUR > payment to account of the organizer



Participants will compete in the male and female competition. The MiDi Trail will also have an additional "Military/police” competing category, while the Mini Trail will have "Family" as a distinctive category. To register and participate in the "Military/police" group, contestants will have to prove their status with their official identification card. In order to compete as a family, it is necessary to register three family members.


The registration fees include the following:

  • A race number,
  • Assistance and refreshments along the race route,
  • Race pack (Salomon running shirt),
  • Electronic timing,
  • Transfer to the start (from Jahorina),
  • Hot meal after the race,
  • A gadget for the finishers.


Payment procedure
Registration fees shall be paid to the account of the organizer.

For payment from BiH:

Bank account: 562 012 0000 1415 27 NLB Razvojna banka Banja Luka

Recipient: Mountaineering Association Javorina, Stjepana Lučića bb, Pale

Purpose of payment: Registration fee – name/surname


For payments from abroad:

IBAN: BA395620128088612724

Recipient: Mountaineering Association Javorina, Stjepana Lučića bb, Pale

Purpose of payment: Registration fee – name/surname

Swift code: RAZBBA22

Maximum number of participants
Maximum number of participants is limited to 600:

  • 100 for 111 km,
  • 100 for 50 km,
  • 200 for 34 km,
  • 200 for 10 km.


If the competitor wishes to cancel their registration, any cancellation must be notified by e-mail to

50% of the entry fee will be refunded if a cancellation is reported up to and including July, 15th, 2015. Refunds will not be made if the application is canceled after July, 15th, 2015. The organizer will provide a reimbursement refund no later than August, 15th, 2015. Registration fees can be used for the following race year instead of being refunded, if the competitor wishes to do so.

In the case of extraordinary events, weather conditions, earthquakes, floods and extreme climatic phenomena in the period up to 15 days before the scheduled date of the race, the organizer reserves the right to refund 50% of the entry fee. This percentage is calculated to enable the organizer to cover part of the expenses incurred.
Should the race be cancelled or interrupted for inclement weather reasons, or for any other reason beyond our control, no refund of the admission fee will be made.


Once the race bibs are picked up, participants may not exchange them with any others. The race number and race packet distribution will take place in Sarajevo and Jahorina on Thursday, July, 30th, and Friday, July 31st, 2015. The organizers will promptly inform participants about precise info center locations and times for race number and packet pick up via publication on the website, social network and e-mail. Both race numbers and packets will be given only on presentation of an identity document (or official identification card in the case of participants competing in the Military/Police category). It will not be possible to collect race numbers or race packets in Jahorina, on Saturday, August, 1st, 2015 or in the start zone in Baščaršija, Romanija, in Višegrad EXCEPT for the MiNi Trail race, which starts and finishes in  Jahorina (Poljice),  (but only prior to 10:00).



Participants are required to arrive at the parking lot in front of the hotel Bistrica on Jahorina according to the designated schedule, where from they will have transportation to the starting position in Višegrad, Romanija and Baščaršija.


UltRa Trail participantsshall gather at the stated location on July, 31st, 2015, no later than 21:00. From that point, organizers will transfer competitors to the start line in Višegrad. There will be organized areas for equipment that competitors may want to leave. The equipment will be waiting for them at the finish line after the end of the race. The organizer is responsible only for the equipment to be handed over to an accredited person, which should be packed in a bag with a matching race number. Just before the race, the organizer will hold a technical meeting with participants. The race starts at 00:05.

MaXi Trail participantsshall gather at the stated location on August, 1st, 2015, no later than 05:30. From that point, organizers will transfer competitors to the starting line on Romanija. There will be organized areas for the equipment that competitors may want to leave. The equipment will be waiting for them at the finish line after the end of the race. The organizer is responsible only for equipment to be handed over to an accredited person, which should be packed in a bag with a matching race number. Just before the race, the organizer will hold a technical meeting with participants. The race starts at 07:00.

MiDi Trail participantsshall gather at the stated location on August, 1st, 2015, no later than 07:30. From that point, organizers will transfer competitors to the start line on Baščaršija. There will be organized areas for the equipment that competitors may want to leave. The equipment will be waiting for them at the finish line after the end of the race. The organizer is responsible only for equipment to be handed over to an accredited person, which should be packed in a bag with a matching race number. Just before the race, the organizer will hold a technical meeting with participants. The race starts at 09:00.

MiNi Trail participantsshall gather at Poljice, the start and finish zone of the shortest race, on August, 1st, 2015, no later than 10:45. There will be organized areas for the equipment that competitors may want to leave. The equipment will be waiting for them at the finish line after the end of the race. The organizer is responsible only for equipment to be handed over to an accredited person, which should be packed in a bag with matching race number. Just before the race, the organizer will hold a technical meeting with participants. The race starts at 11:00.


UltRa Trail: Višegrad, Kočarin, Sjemeć plateau, Sjemeć mt, Brankovići, Okruglo, Zagorice, Žiličina, Šena Krena, Burati, Han Stjenice, Glasinac field, Ravna Romanija, Romanija mt., Pale, Bijele Stijene, Sarač fields, Ravna mt., Jahorina.

MaXi Trail: Ravna Romanija, Romanija mt., Pale, Bijele Stijene, Sarač field, Ravna planina, Jahorina.

MiDi Trail: Baščaršija, Goat's bridge, Dovlići, Miljacka canyon, Pale, Gornje Pale, Bijele Stijene, Sarač fields, Ravna pmt., Jahorina.

MiNi Trail: Poljice, Bistrica, Mali Javor, Božića voda, Hladilo, Vidikovac, hotel Bistrica, hotel Partizan, Poljice.

In the case of extraordinary events, weather conditions, earthquakes, floods and extreme climate phenomena, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the race or change the route. If there are any obstacles in which the trail can become impassable, alternative routes will be used as described at the technical meeting before the start of the race.

Competitors HAVE TO adhere strictly to the marked race route. In line with the rules of the race, with respect to the personal safety and the safety of other riders and race personnel, it is strictly forbidden to take shortcuts or cut out sections of the route. Any departure from the official route, apart from entailing disqualification, shall be at the sole risk of the competitor.

Takmičari se MORAJU strogo pridržavati službeno označene staze. Zbog pravila trke, lične sigurnosti i sigurnosti ostalih takmičara i osoblja koje organizuje trku, strogo se zabranjuje korištenje prečica i staza koje nisu označene. Sva odstupanja od službeno označene staze, osim što za sobom povlači diskvalifikaciju, biće na vlastitu odgovornost takmičara.


Competitors HAVE TO adhere strictly to the marked race route. In line with the rules of the race, with respect to the personal safety and the safety of other riders and race personnel, it is strictly forbidden to take shortcuts or cut out sections of the route. Any departure from the official route, apart from entailing disqualification, shall be at the sole risk of the competitor.

Balkana Outdoor

Udruženje Balkana Outdoor

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser Balkana Outdoor is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser Balkana Outdoor directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to



Phone: +387 65 922 722

Address: Braće Besarovića 16, 71123 Istočno Sarajevo, BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Organiser links