Triatlon klub Zadar

ZADAR NIGHT RUN HALFMARATHON 13.04.2019. 20:30 13.04.2019. 22:15 21.097 km More...

Finished :: 179 registered, 138 numbered, 41 - REG 126 - FIN 12 - DNS

Event - Public Race Registered Competitors Results

Jedinstveni doživljaj grada Zadra pružiti će vam Zadar Night Run Halfmarathon! Ovo je prvi noćni polumaraton u Dalmaciji. Otrčite 21097 metara uz predivnu stazu prema zapadnom dijelu grada. To je staza koja spaja prošlosti i sadašnjosti, more i nebo osuto zvijezdama. Vrhunska atmosfera koju ima samo Zadar Night Run i potpuno ravna staza garantiraju odličnu zabavu i maksimalne rezultate! 


Glavni je organizator utrke SPORTZONE j.d.o.o. ( Tim Škole trčanja Zadar i Triatlon kluba Zadar) 

Mjesto održavanja:  Povijesno središte Zadra. Start i cilj se nalaze u ulici Među bedemima - ispred Kopnenih vrata (Foša), 10 km uz more prema zapadnom dijelu grada i natrag.

Datum održavanja: subota, 13.04.2019.

Vrijeme održavanja:  20:30h-23h

Informacije: na mobitel +385 (0)91 4428097, e-mail:

Start polumaratona: 20:30h

Duljina:  21,097 km

Vremenski limit:  2h:30'

Kraj prijava: 7.04.2019.




Četvrtak 11.04. 2019.

16.00 - 21.00 Registracija i podizanje brojeva



Petak 12.04.2019.

16.00 - 21.00 Registracija i podizanje brojeva


UPOZORENJE: Trkači trče desnom stranom ceste. 



U cijenu kotizacije uključeno je sljedeće:

  Službena majica utrke (dry-fit)

  Okrjepe za trkače dužinom staze 

  Snack i piće nakon utrke

  Startni broj i digitalno mjerenje vremena

  Startni paket

  Finišerska medalja


Otkazivanje kotizacije i prijenos na druge

  • Ukoliko natjecatelji koji su uplatili kotizaciju ne nastupe na utrci, povrat kotizacije nije moguć.
  • Natjecatelji koji odustanu od utrke mogu preuzeti vaučer za Pasta Party, poklon paket i medalju ili to može učiniti netko u njihovo ime.
  • Natjecatelji koji odustanu od utrke mogu svoj startni broj i pripadni startni paket prebaciti na drugog prijavljenog natjecatelja najkasnije do 2 dana prije utrke.


  • Svaki natjecatelj svojom prijavom izravno je suglasan da se na utrci natječe na osobnu odgovornost (uz pratnju liječničke pomoći i osiguranje policije), da je upoznat sa pravilima i propisima utrke kojih će se pridržavati, te da je upoznat s mogućim rizicima koje ovo natjecanje sadrži.
  • Svojom prijavom natjecatelj se odriče mogućnosti prenošenja odgovornosti na organizatora utrke bilo prema natjecateljima ili trećim osobama.
  • Svojom prijavom natjecatelj potvrđuje da je zdravstveno sposoban i u odgovarajućoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji primjerenoj za ovakvu vrstu natjecanja.



Dear runners,


as you all already know, the so-called GDPR or the European Personal Data Protection Regulation determines how and under what conditions the data submitted to a third party may or may not be used took place.


Of course, this also affects us who collect your data for the purpose of registering, so keep in mind the following:

  • the information we receive from you will only be used solely for the purposes of your application for the race you are signing up for. We will publish this information only in two cases - announcing the start list and announcing the results of the race. Since race alone would not make sense without your data and they are posted online exclusively for your information, they are voluntarily used by the regulations and their release is permitted
  • every time you sign up through the system, in order to submit your data, you must agree to the terms of use that include the GDPR regulation. If you have any objections to posting your information in the form of start and ranking lists, please let us know so that we can remove them from it. This move, however, loses the meaning of your race appearance and you will lose the ranking, but we have to do it if you ask for it
  • from the moment you sign up for the race to the race itself, you will receive a few emails with information related to race itself, but all in the context of your voluntary participation on it
  • information that will be announced publicly before the race - your name and surname, your club, your country, your category and the race you are registering. Other information such as your birth date, email address, address, city and all other required information will remain in our database until the end of the race for the purpose of intervention in case of unforeseen circumstances. The data is deleted after the race and only the results that include the information - your start number, name and last name, country, club, category, sex, and rank are displayed

Your information will not be used for other purposes, nor sold to third parties for re-marketing purposes.

If you have any questions or ambiguities regarding the disclosure of your information on our site, please contact us to resolve it for mutual satisfaction.



Race office

Triatlon klub Zadar

TK Zadar

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser Triatlon klub Zadar is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser Triatlon klub Zadar directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to



Phone: +385981805434

Address: Zadar, Zadar, CRO - Croatia

Organiser links