DSR Fortuna

Evil Village Trail 2019. - 4th round of Winter Islands League 14.09.2019. 15:30 14.09.2019. 22:00 More...

Finished 114 registered, 100 paid, 96 numbered, 18 - REG 89 - FIN 7 - DNF

CRO 108 Croatia
JAM 1 Jamaica
NOR 3 Norway
SLO 2 Slovenia

CRO 95 Croatia
NOR 3 Norway
SLO 2 Slovenia

CRO 91 Croatia
NOR 3 Norway
SLO 2 Slovenia

Race :: 3 :: Organiser :: DSR Fortuna

DSR Fortuna

Evil Village Trail 2019 - Long Race 14.09.2019. 15:30 14.09.2019. 22:00 25 km 1000 m 1000 m More...

Finished :: 13 registered, 12 paid, 10 numbered, 3 - REG 9 - FIN 1 - DNF

CRO 12 Croatia
SLO 1 Slovenia

CRO 11 Croatia
SLO 1 Slovenia

CRO 9 Croatia
SLO 1 Slovenia

Registered Competitors Results


Evil Village Trail 2019.

4th round of Winter Islands League

14th of September 2019.

Test yourself on Evil Village Trail 19, race of the 4th Winter Islands League:

This summer, at September 14th, in the Nature Park Vransko Lake!

All categories of this race are scored and all earned points will be summed up with the points from other races and are included in the overall ranking in the 4th Winter Islands League.


  • DSR Fortune
  • Atletic club OKIT
  • Pirovac Municipality
  • Tourist Board Pirovac

START and FINISH LINE: Kašić (Pirovac Municipality)

Date and time: 14.9.2019 at 15:30

Area: Kašić with its surroundings, and the area of the Nature Park Vransko Lake


  • VELIKA (25 KM) - LONG
  • MALA (5 KM) - SHORT

Applications and fees:
Applications will be open till Saturday, September 7th, 2019 till 23:59.

Fee for all categories: 100 kn

The fee includes:

  • Organization of the race
  • T - shirt
  • Track map, competitors card
  • Dinner and beverages



  • Mobitel, s napunjenom baterijom, te telefonskim brojem koji je naveden u prijavama
  • Natjecateljski karton
  • Boca tekućine (minimum 0.5l)
  • Čeona lampa za trkaće na dugoj stazi

DSR Fortuna

Evil Village Trail 2019 - Medium Race 14.09.2019. 15:30 14.09.2019. 20:00 15 km 500 m 500 m More...

Finished :: 49 registered, 39 paid, 38 numbered, 11 - REG 34 - FIN 4 - DNF

CRO 47 Croatia
JAM 1 Jamaica
SLO 1 Slovenia

CRO 38 Croatia
SLO 1 Slovenia

CRO 37 Croatia
SLO 1 Slovenia

Registered Competitors Results


Evil Village Trail 2019.

4th round of Winter Islands League

14th of September 2019.

Test yourself on Evil Village Trail 19, race of the 4th Winter Islands League:

This summer, at September 14th, in the Nature Park Vransko Lake!

All categories of this race are scored and all earned points will be summed up with the points from other races and are included in the overall ranking in the 4th Winter Islands League.


  • DSR Fortune
  • Atletic club OKIT
  • Pirovac Municipality
  • Tourist Board Pirovac

START and FINISH LINE: Kašić (Pirovac Municipality)

Date and time: 14.9.2019 at 15:30

Area: Kašić with its surroundings, and the area of the Nature Park Vransko Lake


  • VELIKA (25 KM) - LONG
  • MALA (5 KM) - SHORT

Applications and fees:
Applications will be open till Saturday, September 7th, 2019 till 23:59.

Fee for all categories: 100 kn

The fee includes:

  • Organization of the race
  • T - shirt
  • Track map, competitors card
  • Dinner and beverages




IBAN: HR1223900011199010867




Time limits:

LONG TRAIL- 3h 30 min on the check point Kamenjak
              -   6h total (untill 21:30 at Finish line)


MID TRAIL -4 h total time (untill 19:30 at Finish line)


Required equipment: - mobile phone with battery fully charged
                                - bottle of water, at least  1L 
                                    -ID card
                                    -head lamp (for the Long Trail)
                                   - a glass foil

                                   - personal first aid packet

DSR Fortuna

Evil Village Trail 2019 - Short Race 14.09.2019. 15:30 14.09.2019. 18:00 5 km 150 m 150 m More...

Finished :: 52 registered, 49 paid, 48 numbered, 4 - REG 46 - FIN 2 - DNF

CRO 49 Croatia
NOR 3 Norway

CRO 46 Croatia
NOR 3 Norway

CRO 45 Croatia
NOR 3 Norway

Registered Competitors Results


Evil Village Trail 2019.

4th round of Winter Islands League

14th of September 2019.

Test yourself on Evil Village Trail 19, race of the 4th Winter Islands League:

This summer, at September 14th, in the Nature Park Vransko Lake!

All categories of this race are scored and all earned points will be summed up with the points from other races and are included in the overall ranking in the 4th Winter Islands League.


  • DSR Fortune
  • Atletic club OKIT
  • Pirovac Municipality
  • Tourist Board Pirovac

START and FINISH LINE: Kašić (Pirovac Municipality)

Date and time: 14.9.2019 at 15:30

Area: Kašić with its surroundings, and the area of the Nature Park Vransko Lake


  • VELIKA (25 KM) - LONG
  • MALA (5 KM) - SHORT

Applications and fees:
Applications will be open till Saturday, September 7th, 2019 till 23:59.

Fee for all categories: 100 kn

The fee includes:

  • Organization of the race
  • T - shirt
  • Track map, competitors card
  • Dinner and beverages



  • Mobitel, s napunjenom baterijom, te telefonskim brojem koji je naveden u prijavama
  • Natjecateljski karton
  • Boca tekućine (minimum 0.5l)
  • Čeona lampa za trkaće na dugoj stazi


DSR Fortuna

Društvo športske rekreacije Fortuna

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser DSR Fortuna is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser DSR Fortuna directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to timing@stotinka.hr

Website: http://www.dsr-fortuna.hr/

Email: dsrfortuna.pirovac@gmail.com

Phone: +385992849474 Marin F. +385914111351 Marina +385923035743 Marin V.

Address: Put škole 4, HR-22213 Pirovac , CRO - Croatia

Organiser links


Evil Village Trail  


Iskušajte Evil Village Trail, utrku 2.kola Zimske otočne lige 04.02.2023. godine, u Kašiću, u Parku prirode Vransko jezero.


Sve kategorije ove utrke se boduju izuzev najkraće kategorije za odrasle. Svi bodovi koje ostvarite zbrajaju se s ostalim bodovima i ulaze u izračun ukupnog poretka u Zimskoj otočnoj ligi.


Ime utrke: Evil Village Trail

Liga: Zimska Otočna liga




Mjesto starta i cilja za sve kategorije: Kašić, društveni dom

Područje: Kašić s okolicom, područje Parka prirode Vransko jezero

Datum održavanja: 04.02.2023.

Prijave: 08:30 do 10:00 h


Kategorije utrke:

VELIKA (29.2 km 1256 m⬆⬇)

SREDNJA (14. 6 km 628 m⬆⬇)

MALA (5.7 km 139 m⬆⬇) – obiteljska


Vrijeme starta i vremenski limit:

VELIKA -  10:00 h do 15:30 (prvi krug 13:30)

SREDNJA – 11:00 do 15:30

MALA – 12:00  do 13:30


Opis kategorija:

Velika. I ove godine „velika“ radi 2 kruga srednje kategorije, prvi ide u jednom smjeru, a drugi u suprotnom smjeru. Ova kategorija je samo za najluđe. Biti će 2 okrijepe na stazi od čega će jedna biti na kraju prvog kruga. Postotak terena: asfalt 16%, makadam 20%, singletrack staze 37%, offroad 27%.

Srednja. Namijenjena je iskusnim planinarima i trkačima. Staza je ista kao i prošle godine, vrlo zahtjevna. Postotak terena je isti kao kod velike kategorije. Jedna okrepna stanica na stazi.

Mala staza je ista kao i prošle godine. Postotak terena: asfalt 26%, makadam 38%, singletrack staze 36%. Okrepa će biti u cilju.


Obavezna oprema:

- mobitel

- min.1 L vode

- osobna iskaznica

- astro folija

- osobna prva pomoć

- zviždaljka


Preporučena oprema / sukladno vremenskim uvjetima:

- odjeća za zaštitu od kiše/vjetra/sunca

- krema za sunce

- rezervna odjeća

- kapa

- rukavice


Prijave i kotizacija:

Prijaviti se možete na stranici https://www.stotinka.hr/hrv

Kotizacija za sve kategorije iznosi 20 eura, djeca do 16 godina i prošlogodišnji pobjednici ne plaćaju startninu. 

Kotizacija uključuje:

- organizacija utrke

- majica

- natjecateljski karton

- večera i piće

- okrijepe na stazi

-osiguranje od HGSS-a


Mlađi od 18 mogu nastupiti uz potpis roditelja ili skrbnika, mlađi od 12 mogu nastupiti samo u pratnji odrasle osobe.


Prijava se smatra potpunom nakon uplate kotizacije.

Prijave se zatvaraju u subotu, 04.02.2023. u 12:00.


Račun za uplatu: DSR FORTUNA

Put škole 4, 22213 Pirovac

IBAN: HR2123900011199010867


Smještaj: Turistička zajednica Pirovac

Informacije o utrci i eventualne izmjene:

Facebook: DSR FORTUNA / Otočna Liga

E-mail: info@dsr-fortuna.hr

Mobitel: +385 92 303 5743 – Marin Vukman




Natjecatelj je svojom prijavom izravno suglasan da se na utrci natječe na osobnu odgovornost, da je upoznat sa pravilima i propisima utrke kojih će se pridržavati kao i mogućim rizicima koje natjecanja Zimske otočne lige sadrže.

Svojom prijavom natjecatelj izjavljuje da je upoznat sa popisom STROGO PREPORUČENE OPREME, iznimno važnom za njegovu osobnu sigurnost te da se njenim nenošenjem izlaže povećavanom riziku od dehidracije, pothlađivanja, nemogućnosti saniranja ozljeda, nemogućnosti poziva u pomoć, nemogućnosti pomaganja povrijeđenim natjecateljima, nemogućnosti kontaktiranja organizatora pa čak i smrti.

Svojom prijavom natjecatelj se odriče mogućnosti prenošenja odgovornosti na organizatora utrke, kao i prema natjecateljima ili trećim osobama. Svojom prijavom natjecatelj potvrđuje da je u odgo

varajućoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji primjerenoj za ovakvu vrstu natjecanja.