1. Rastoke Trail 2019 07.09.2019. 11:00 07.09.2019. 20:00 More...Finished 260 registered, 207 paid, 184 numbered, 76 - REG 182 - FIN 2 - DNF BIH 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina CRO 254 Croatia NOR 3 Norway BIH 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina CRO 203 Croatia NOR 3 Norway BIH 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina CRO 180 Croatia NOR 3 Norway Race :: 2 :: Organiser :: AK Plitvice |
Rastoke Trail 2019 - Duga staza 12 km 07.09.2019. 11:00 07.09.2019. 15:00 12 km 330 m 330 m More...Finished :: 153 registered, 119 paid, 105 numbered, 48 - REG 104 - FIN 1 - DNF BIH 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina CRO 151 Croatia CRO 119 Croatia CRO 105 Croatia Registered Competitors Results DescriptionBarać Forest Trail 2018
------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION / OPIS: Subota-Saturday Location: Barać caves (Municipality of Rakovica) Organiser contact: Official e-mail: Link for description of event Categories: Bunika trail-27 km long trail which consists of one circle. It is a combination of a asphalt, macadam and forest with several climbs. Šišmiš trail -14 km long trail which consists of one circle, combination of an asphalt, macadam and mild climbs. Zerca trail -5 km long recreative trail consisting of one circle, for beginners. Serves for presentation of natural beauty of this location. Participation: BUNIKA TRAIL; Until 30.06. 80 KUNA , From 01.07 To 31.07 100 KUNA , From 01.08 To 31.08 120 KUNA. ŠIŠMIŠ TRAIL; Until 30.06. 80 KUNA , From 01.07 To 31.07 100 KUNA , From 01.08 To 31.08. 120 KUNA ZERCA TRAIL 50 KUNA Race registration: Registration is considered complete after the competitor pays the contribution to the bank account of the organiser. Registration deadline 31.08. Additional registration: competitors can apply to the race until the date of the race, but then they have only start number, not the start package. The participation fee is payable to: Athletic club Plitvice -Atletski klub Plitvice Mukinje 32 , 53231 Plitvička jezera Privredna banka Zagreb- IBAN HR1123400091110866438 Payment description: Name of the trail + name of the competitor Participation fee amount: depends on the date of the payment before the race (see participation description -period/price) Important remarks: Make sure to write down the name of the person competing. You do not need to send us a proof of payment to our e-mail as it is evident from the statement of our bank. If you are sending a collective payment -pay by just one transaction and do not forget competior names it has been paid for! The participation fee for Bunika trail and Šišmiš trail includes: -dry fit shirt (valid for all participants who paid until 31.08.18.) and bag for runners shoes with a race logo -ticket for Barać caves including family members of a competitor -coupon for one warm meal -coupon for the drink -refreshments during the race and information about trails -medical care at start and finish -coupon for tombola (raffle) The participation fee for Zerca trail includes: -cotton T-shirt -ticket for Barać caves including family members of a competitor -coupon for one warm meal -coupon for the drink -refreshments during the race and information about trails -medical care at start and finish -coupon for tombola Awards: Money awards for first three places and sponsor awards. Detailed information about awards will be announced latest 2 weeks before the race.
PRAVILA UTRKE I SIGURNOST NATJECATELJA 1. Natjecatelji moraju slijediti označenu trasu sukladno svojoj kategoriji. Zabranjeno je korištenje puteva izvan staze i kraćenje staze. 2. Natjecatelji moraju nositi svu propisanu obaveznu opremu. 3. Natjecatelji moraju nositi startni broj tijekom cijele utrke,na predjelu prsa ili trbuha. 4. Svi natjecatelji koji odustanu dužni su o tome obavjestiti organizatora.(0989459165) 5. Zabranjeno je svako odlaganje otpada u prirodi npr. energetskih gelova, bočica i slično. 6. Za nepridržavanje ovih pravila natjecatelji će biti diskvalificirani. OBAVEZNA OPREMA 1. Mobitel s napunjenom baterijom i brojem kojeg ste napisali u prijavi 2. Osobna iskaznica 3. Natjecateljski broj DODATNA OPREMA 1. Zviždaljka(preporuča se,nije obavezna) 2. Prva pomoć(preporuča se,nije obavezna) 3. Bidon s vodom(preporuča se,nije obavezna) |
Rastoke Trail 2019 - Kratka staza 7 km 07.09.2019. 11:00 07.09.2019. 15:00 7 km 150 m 150 m More...Finished :: 107 registered, 88 paid, 79 numbered, 28 - REG 78 - FIN 1 - DNF BIH 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina CRO 103 Croatia NOR 3 Norway BIH 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina CRO 84 Croatia NOR 3 Norway BIH 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina CRO 75 Croatia NOR 3 Norway Registered Competitors Results DescriptionBarać Forest Trail 2018
------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPTION / OPIS: Subota-Saturday Location: Barać caves (Municipality of Rakovica) Organiser contact: Official e-mail: Link for description of event Categories: Bunika trail-27 km long trail which consists of one circle. It is a combination of a asphalt, macadam and forest with several climbs. Šišmiš trail -14 km long trail which consists of one circle, combination of an asphalt, macadam and mild climbs. Zerca trail -5 km long recreative trail consisting of one circle, for beginners. Serves for presentation of natural beauty of this location. Participation: BUNIKA TRAIL; Until 30.06. 80 KUNA , From 01.07 To 31.07 100 KUNA , From 01.08 To 31.08 120 KUNA. ŠIŠMIŠ TRAIL; Until 30.06. 80 KUNA , From 01.07 To 31.07 100 KUNA , From 01.08 To 31.08. 120 KUNA ZERCA TRAIL 50 KUNA Race registration: Registration is considered complete after the competitor pays the contribution to the bank account of the organiser. Registration deadline 31.08. Additional registration: competitors can apply to the race until the date of the race, but then they have only start number, not the start package. The participation fee is payable to: Athletic club Plitvice -Atletski klub Plitvice Mukinje 32 , 53231 Plitvička jezera Privredna banka Zagreb- IBAN HR1123400091110866438 Payment description: Name of the trail + name of the competitor Participation fee amount: depends on the date of the payment before the race (see participation description -period/price) Important remarks: Make sure to write down the name of the person competing. You do not need to send us a proof of payment to our e-mail as it is evident from the statement of our bank. If you are sending a collective payment -pay by just one transaction and do not forget competior names it has been paid for! The participation fee for Bunika trail and Šišmiš trail includes: -dry fit shirt (valid for all participants who paid until 31.08.18.) and bag for runners shoes with a race logo -ticket for Barać caves including family members of a competitor -coupon for one warm meal -coupon for the drink -refreshments during the race and information about trails -medical care at start and finish -coupon for tombola (raffle) The participation fee for Zerca trail includes: -cotton T-shirt -ticket for Barać caves including family members of a competitor -coupon for one warm meal -coupon for the drink -refreshments during the race and information about trails -medical care at start and finish -coupon for tombola Awards: Money awards for first three places and sponsor awards. Detailed information about awards will be announced latest 2 weeks before the race.
PRAVILA UTRKE I SIGURNOST NATJECATELJA 1. Natjecatelji moraju slijediti označenu trasu sukladno svojoj kategoriji. Zabranjeno je korištenje puteva izvan staze i kraćenje staze. 2. Natjecatelji moraju nositi svu propisanu obaveznu opremu. 3. Natjecatelji moraju nositi startni broj tijekom cijele utrke,na predjelu prsa ili trbuha. 4. Svi natjecatelji koji odustanu dužni su o tome obavjestiti organizatora.(0989459165) 5. Zabranjeno je svako odlaganje otpada u prirodi npr. energetskih gelova, bočica i slično. 6. Za nepridržavanje ovih pravila natjecatelji će biti diskvalificirani. OBAVEZNA OPREMA 1. Mobitel s napunjenom baterijom i brojem kojeg ste napisali u prijavi 2. Osobna iskaznica 3. Natjecateljski broj DODATNA OPREMA 1. Zviždaljka(preporuča se,nije obavezna) 2. Prva pomoć(preporuča se,nije obavezna) 3. Bidon s vodom(preporuča se,nije obavezna) |
AK PlitviceAtletski Klub Plitvice |
Payment and correction of race results |
Contact |
Website: https://www.facebook.com/A.K.Plitvice/ Email: a.k.plitvice@gmail.com Phone: +385 98 945 9165 Address: Mukinje 32, 53231 Plitvička Jezera, CRO - Croatia |
Organiser links |