Crazy Hill Trail 2024 09.03.2024. 07:00 09.03.2024. 20:00 More...Finished 490 registered, 411 paid, 413 numbered, 77 - REG 384 - FIN 27 - DNS 2 - DNF CRO 439 Croatia HUN 11 Hungary SLO 40 Slovenia CRO 364 Croatia HUN 9 Hungary SLO 38 Slovenia CRO 365 Croatia HUN 10 Hungary SLO 38 Slovenia Race :: 4 :: Organiser :: ŠRD BSV Ludbreg |
Crazy Hill Trail - CANICROSS GREEN 11 km 09.03.2024. 11:15 09.03.2024. 15:15 10.9 km 240 m 240 m More...Finished :: 35 registered, 27 paid, 27 numbered, 8 - REG 24 - FIN 3 - DNS CRO 30 Croatia HUN 1 Hungary SLO 4 Slovenia CRO 23 Croatia HUN 1 Hungary SLO 3 Slovenia CRO 23 Croatia HUN 1 Hungary SLO 3 Slovenia Registered Competitors Results Description
INFO Organizator: Športsko rekreativno društvo BSV LUDBREG
Start cilj: Otok Mladosti u Ludbregu
GREEN – 10KM/215M+ / Mountain level 2 (u potpunosti označena, makadam, šumski putevi i staze, jedna okrjepa) KARTA Vremenski limit - 4h
Obavezna oprema: mobilni telefon, komplet prve pomoći, zviždaljka, startni broj U slučaju odustajanja obavezno se javiti organizatoru!
NAGRADE Nagrade za ukupne pobjednike (prvo troje u M i Ž) za sve četiri utrke.
Startninu uplatiti na žiro račun najkasnije do 29. 2. 2024. Športsko rekreativno društvo BSV Ludbreg IBAN: HR2024840081105346805 Opis plaćanja: CHT2024 + ime natjecatelja
Što ako utrka bude otkazana?
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Crazy Hill Trail - GREEN 10 km 09.03.2024. 11:00 09.03.2024. 15:00 10.9 km 240 m 240 m More...Finished :: 169 registered, 143 paid, 143 numbered, 26 - REG 136 - FIN 7 - DNS CRO 168 Croatia SLO 1 Slovenia CRO 142 Croatia SLO 1 Slovenia CRO 142 Croatia SLO 1 Slovenia Registered Competitors Results Description
INFO Organizator: Športsko rekreativno društvo BSV LUDBREG
Start cilj: Otok Mladosti u Ludbregu
GREEN – 10KM/215M+ / Mountain level 2 (u potpunosti označena, makadam, šumski putevi i staze, jedna okrjepa) KARTA Vremenski limit - 4h
Obavezna oprema: mobilni telefon, komplet prve pomoći, zviždaljka, startni broj U slučaju odustajanja obavezno se javiti organizatoru!
NAGRADE Nagrade za ukupne pobjednike (prvo troje u M i Ž) za sve tri utrke.
Startninu uplatiti na žiro račun najkasnije do 29. 2. 2024. Športsko rekreativno društvo BSV Ludbreg IBAN: HR2024840081105346805 Opis plaćanja: CHT2024 + ime natjecatelja
Što ako utrka bude otkazana?
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Crazy Hill Trail - BLUE 16 km | Mountain Level 2 09.03.2024. 10:30 09.03.2024. 15:00 16.7 km 450 m 450 m More...Finished :: 178 registered, 151 paid, 152 numbered, 26 - REG 140 - FIN 11 - DNS 1 - DNF CRO 155 Croatia HUN 8 Hungary SLO 15 Slovenia CRO 130 Croatia HUN 6 Hungary SLO 15 Slovenia CRO 130 Croatia HUN 7 Hungary SLO 15 Slovenia Registered Competitors Results DescriptionINFO
Organisers: Sports Recreation Association BSV LUDBREG
Start and finish line: the Island of Youth in Ludbreg COURSES RED - 34KM /1040M+ / ITRA 2 / Mountain level 3 (fully marked, macadam, forest paths and roads, three refreshment point) MAP Time limit – 7.5 hours
BLUE - 16KM/415M+ / Mountain level 2 (fully marked, macadam, forest paths and roads, one refreshment point) MAP Time limit – 5 hours
GREEN – 10KM/215M+ / Mountain level 2 (fully marked, macadam, forest paths and roads, one refreshment point) MAP Time limit – 4 hours
Obligatory equipment: mobile phone, first aid kit, whistle, race bib In case of abandonment, it is obligatory to contact organisers!
PRIZES Prizes will be presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each course (female and male) REGISTRATION AND REGISTRATION FEE Pre-registration forms are accepted only by on-line application form. Registration is confirmed by paying the fee. REGISTRATION FEE Registration fee includes a goody bag with the logo of the race, organisation of the race, BIB number, refreshments and assistance of HGSS and MUP, a shower, a meal after the race. Registration fee: Green 10 km - 20,00€ Blue 16 km - 20,00€ Red 34 km - 25,00€
Registration fee must be paid on the giro account till 26 February 2023 (Sunday).
Sports and Recreation Association BSV Ludbreg IBAN: HR2024840081105346805 Paying description: CHT2023 + contestant’s name Foreign competitors pay the fee in cash on the race day while registration.
What if the event will be cancelled?
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Crazy Hill Trail - RED 34 km | 2 ITRA bod | Mountain Level 3 09.03.2024. 10:00 09.03.2024. 18:00 34.9 km 1100 m 1100 m More...Finished :: 108 registered, 90 paid, 91 numbered, 17 - REG 84 - FIN 6 - DNS 1 - DNF CRO 86 Croatia HUN 2 Hungary SLO 20 Slovenia CRO 69 Croatia HUN 2 Hungary SLO 19 Slovenia CRO 70 Croatia HUN 2 Hungary SLO 19 Slovenia Registered Competitors Results DescriptionINFO
Organisers: Sports Recreation Association BSV LUDBREG
Start and finish line: the Island of Youth in Ludbreg COURSES RED - 34KM /1040M+ / ITRA 2 / Mountain level 3 (fully marked, macadam, forest paths and roads, three refreshment point) MAP Time limit – 7.5 hours
BLUE - 16KM/415M+ / Mountain level 2 (fully marked, macadam, forest paths and roads, one refreshment point) MAP Time limit – 5 hours
GREEN – 10KM/215M+ / Mountain level 2 (fully marked, macadam, forest paths and roads, one refreshment point) MAP Time limit – 4 hours
Obligatory equipment: mobile phone, first aid kit, whistle, race bib In case of abandonment, it is obligatory to contact organisers!
PRIZES Prizes will be presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each course (female and male) REGISTRATION AND REGISTRATION FEE Pre-registration forms are accepted only by on-line application form. Registration is confirmed by paying the fee. REGISTRATION FEE Registration fee includes a goody bag with the logo of the race, organisation of the race, BIB number, refreshments and assistance of HGSS and MUP, a shower, a meal after the race. Registration fee: Green 10 km - 20,00€ Blue 16 km - 20,00€ Red 34 km - 25,00€
Registration fee must be paid on the giro account till 26 February 2023 (Sunday).
Sports and Recreation Association BSV Ludbreg IBAN: HR2024840081105346805 Paying description: CHT2023 + contestant’s name Foreign competitors pay the fee in cash on the race day while registration.
What if the event will be cancelled?
Regulations |
ŠRD BSV LudbregŠportsko rekreativno društvo BSV LUDBREG |
Payment and correction of race results |
Contact |
Website: Email: Phone: +385995168138 Address: Franje Kuharića 12, 42230 Ludbreg, CRO - Croatia |
Organiser links |