Thrill Blues Run 03.07.2022. 19:00 03.07.2022. 21:00 More...

Finished 66 registered, 41 numbered, 25 - REG 40 - FIN 1 - DNF

CRO 60 Croatia
DEN 1 Denmark
NOR 2 Norway
SUI 1 Switzerland
UKR 2 Ukraine

CRO 36 Croatia
DEN 1 Denmark
NOR 2 Norway
UKR 2 Ukraine

Race :: 2 :: Organiser :: RUN CROATIA


Thrill Blues Run 03.07.2022. 19:00 03.07.2022. 20:00 7 km More...

Finished :: 54 registered, 41 numbered, 13 - REG 40 - FIN 1 - DNF

CRO 48 Croatia
DEN 1 Denmark
NOR 2 Norway
SUI 1 Switzerland
UKR 2 Ukraine

CRO 36 Croatia
DEN 1 Denmark
NOR 2 Norway
UKR 2 Ukraine

Registered Competitors Results


Thrill Blues Run 






Race organizers: Run Croatia, TZ Trilj

Location: Trilj glavni park                  

Date: 03.07.2022.

Time: 19h

Starting line: Glavni park Trilj                        

Finish line: Glavni park Trilj

Registration deadline: 03.07. till 17h

Information: on mobile +38591 4430 007 / e-mail:

Starting time: 19h

Length: 7km

Time limit: 60 min

Entry Fee: 100 kn



AFTER REGISTRATION ON STOTINKA.HR, the registration fee is paid through a giro account (data below).


    The entry fee is paid on:

    IBAN HR2923600001102496513



    Run Croatia j.d.o.o., Gajeva 55/1, 10000 Zagreb

    Purpose of payment:

    enter the name and surname of the competitor and BLUES RUN TRILJ (eg Ivan Ivić BLUES RUN TRILJ)

    Amount: 100 kn




If the competitors who paid the entry fee do not participate in the race, no refund is possible. Competitors who drop out of the race may transfer their starting number and associated starter pack to another notified competitor no later than 2 days before the race.



Pick-up of start package and bib: 16.30 h – 18.30 h

Warming up – 18.30 h

Start – 19.00 h

Blues Rock Concert – 20.00 h



The entry fee includes the following:

  • start number, digital timing and quick release of results on
  • keeping records and scoring
  • Refreshments for runners along the course and at the end of the race
  • medical assistance
  • Official Race T-shirt
  • Medals for absolute categories + finisher medals for all participants
  • After Run party

IMPORTANT: registrations and payments received by 01.07.2022. till midnight have a guaranteed starting package with a T-shirt and a medal.







  • Each entrant by his / her application directly agrees to compete in the race on personal responsibility (accompanied by medical assistance and insurance of the police), that he / she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race which they will abide by, and that he / she is aware of the possible risks of this competition contains.
  • By registering, a competitor disclaims the ability to delegate responsibility to the race organizer, either to competitors or third parties.
  • By registering, the competitor confirms that he / she is medically fit and in appropriate psycho-physical fitness suitable for this type of competition
  • We are writing to inform you that the event you are attending is being recorded and that footage and photographs from the same can be used for marketing purposes to promote the event organizer. It is also possible that the recordings and photographs will be published in print or electronic media and / or on the social networks of the organizers. In this regard, all information about the protection of personal data that the organizer processes is available in the Privacy Statement at:


Thrill Blues Run 03.07.2022. 19:00 03.07.2022. 20:00 7 km More...

Finished :: 12 registered, 12 - REG

CRO 12 Croatia

Registered Competitors Results


Thrill Blues Run - virtualna utrka



Organizatori virtualnog trčanja: Run Croatia, TZ Trilj


Mjesto održavanja: Bilogdje


Vrijeme održavanja: do 03.07. u ponoć


Prijava: do 01.07.2022. u ponoć


Informacije: na mobitel +38591 4430 007 /e-mail: ili


Duljina: 7km


Pravila virtualnog trčnja: Do 03.07. u ponoć otrči bilogdje 7km. Fotografiju otrčane rute( Strava, Garmin,….) postaj na Run Croatia Facebook s nekom porukom trkačima i bluesrima u Trilju. Prilikom regostracije ostavi punu adresu: ime i prezime, adresa, poštansi broj, telefonski broj. Majicu i unikatnu medalju 7K Blues Run dobit ćeš na svoju kućnu adresu najkasnije do 20.07.


Cijena startnine: 100kn



U cijenu startnine uključeno je sljedeće:


  • objava tvojeg trčanja na Facebook stranici od Run Croatia
  • službena majica utrke
  • medalja




  • Svaki natjecatelj svojom prijavom izravno je suglasan da se na utrci natječe na osobnu odgovornost (uz pratnju liječničke pomoći i osiguranje policije), da je upoznat sa pravilima i propisima utrke kojih će se pridržavati, te da je upoznat s mogućim rizicima koje ovo natjecanje sadrž
  • Svojom prijavom natjecatelj se odriče mogućnosti prenošenja odgovornosti na organizatora utrke bilo prema natjecateljima ili trećim osobama.
  • Svojom prijavom natjecatelj potvrđuje da je zdravstveno sposoban i u odgovarajućoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji primjerenoj za ovakvu vrstu natjecanja
  • Obavještavamo Vas da se dogadjaj na kojem sudjelujete snima te se snimke i fotografije s istog mogu koristiti u marketinške svrhe za promociju organizatora dogadjaja. Isto je tako moguće da će se snimke i fotografije objaviti u tiskanim ili elektroničkim medijima i/ili na društvenim mrežama organizatora. U tom smislu, sve informacije o zaštiti osobnih podataka koje organizator obradjuje dostupne su u Izjavi o privatnosti na linku:



RUN CROATIA j.d.o.o.

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser RUN CROATIA is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser RUN CROATIA directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to



Phone: +385 91 443 0007

Address: Gajeva 55/1, 10000 Zagreb, CRO - Croatia

Organiser links