DŠR Rovinj

12th Rovinj half marathon 2016 with 5k and 10k races 23.04.2016. 17:00 24.04.2016. 15:00 More...

Finished 230 registered, 159 paid, 163 numbered, 67 - REG 160 - FIN 3 - DNS

CRO 164 Croatia
GBR 1 Great Britain
GER 1 Germany
HUN 3 Hungary
ITA 32 Italy
KEN 4 Kenya
SLO 22 Slovenia
SRB 2 Serbia
SVK 1 Slovakia

CRO 113 Croatia
GBR 1 Great Britain
GER 1 Germany
HUN 2 Hungary
ITA 24 Italy
KEN 4 Kenya
SLO 12 Slovenia
SRB 2 Serbia

CRO 117 Croatia
GBR 1 Great Britain
GER 1 Germany
HUN 2 Hungary
ITA 24 Italy
KEN 3 Kenya
SLO 12 Slovenia
SRB 2 Serbia
SVK 1 Slovakia

Race :: 3 :: Organiser :: DŠR Rovinj

DŠR Rovinj

Rovinj 2016 - half-marathon 21.097 km 24.04.2016. 10:30 24.04.2016. 13:30 21.097 km More...

Finished :: 117 registered, 94 paid, 94 numbered, 23 - REG 94 - FIN

CRO 75 Croatia
GBR 1 Great Britain
GER 1 Germany
HUN 3 Hungary
ITA 18 Italy
KEN 4 Kenya
SLO 14 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

CRO 60 Croatia
GBR 1 Great Britain
GER 1 Germany
HUN 2 Hungary
ITA 16 Italy
KEN 4 Kenya
SLO 9 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

CRO 61 Croatia
GBR 1 Great Britain
GER 1 Germany
HUN 2 Hungary
ITA 16 Italy
KEN 3 Kenya
SLO 9 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

Registered Competitors Results


DŠR Rovinj glavni je organizator utrke uz potporu grada Rovinja, Turističke zajednice Rovinja i Maistre kao i ostalih partnera i sponzora.

Web: http://www.rovinjhalfmarathon.com/index.php/hr/

Mjesto održavanja: Rovinj

Vrijeme održavanja: 24.04.2016. u 10.30 h (nedjelja)

Start - Cilj utrke: glavni trg

Prijava: Najkasnije do 24.04.2016. god. u 9:00 h

Informacije: Aldo Krelja 099 756 66 80 e-mail: aldokrelja@gmail.com

Start utrke: 10:30 sati


  • 23.04.2016. subota (registracije dan prije utrke)
    17.00 – 19.00 Registracija trkača na glavnom Trgu
  • 24.04.2016. nedjelja (dan utrke)
    7.30 – 10.00 Registracija trkača na startu
    10.25 Start utrke HANDBIKE
    10.30 Start utrke POLUMARATONA i na 5 i 10 km
    10.35 Start utrke članova Udruge invalida grada Rovinja
    11.00-13.00h ”After Run Party” u Amfiteatru i proglašenje pobjednika



Podizanje startnih brojeva i čipova

Za sve učesnike:

  • dan prije utrke subota 23.4.2016. od 17.00 – 19.00 sati na glavnom trgu
  • na dan utrke nedjelja 24.4.2016. od 7.30 do 10:00 sati u šatoru organizatora na startu


  • Svaki natjecatelj svojom prijavom izravno je suglasan da se na utrci natječe na osobnu odgovornost (uz pratnju liječničke pomoći i osiguranje policije), da je upoznat sa pravilima i propisima utrke kojih će se pridržavati, te da je upoznat s mogućim rizicima koje ovo natjecanje sadrži.
  • Svojom prijavom natjecatelj se odriče mogućnosti prenošenja odgovornosti na organizatora utrke bilo prema natjecateljima ili trećim osobama.
  • Svojom prijavom natjecatelj potvrđuje da je zdravstveno sposoban i u odgovarajućoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji primjerenoj za ovakvu vrstu natjecanja.


Each registered runner directly agrees to compete in the race at his/her own risk (to the accompaniment of medical assistance and security of the police); that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race to be followed, and that he/she is familiar with the possible risks that this race may have.

With his/her registration the runner renounces the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizers of the race, other race competitors or third parties.

With his/her registration the runner confirms that the medical examination has been done and that he/she is in an appropriate psycho-physical condition for participating at this race.

DŠR Rovinj

Rovinj 2016 - 5k 24.04.2016. 10:30 24.04.2016. 11:30 5 km More...

Finished :: 51 registered, 36 paid, 39 numbered, 12 - REG 36 - FIN 3 - DNS

CRO 41 Croatia
ITA 5 Italy
SLO 4 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

CRO 30 Croatia
ITA 4 Italy
SLO 1 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

CRO 33 Croatia
ITA 4 Italy
SLO 1 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

Registered Competitors Results


DŠR Rovinj glavni je organizator utrke uz potporu grada Rovinja, Turističke zajednice Rovinja i Maistre kao i ostalih partnera i sponzora.

Web: http://www.rovinjhalfmarathon.com/index.php/hr/

Mjesto održavanja: Rovinj

Vrijeme održavanja: 24.04.2016. u 10.30 h (nedjelja)

Start - Cilj utrke: glavni trg

Prijava: Najkasnije do 24.04.2016. god. u 9:00 h

Informacije: Aldo Krelja 099 756 66 80 e-mail: aldokrelja@gmail.com

Start utrke: 10:30 sati


  • 23.04.2016. subota (registracije dan prije utrke)
    17.00 – 19.00 Registracija trkača na glavnom Trgu
  • 24.04.2016. nedjelja (dan utrke)
    7.30 – 10.00 Registracija trkača na startu
    10.25 Start utrke HANDBIKE
    10.30 Start utrke POLUMARATONA i na 5 i 10 km
    10.35 Start utrke članova Udruge invalida grada Rovinja
    11.00-13.00h ”After Run Party” u Amfiteatru i proglašenje pobjednika



Podizanje startnih brojeva i čipova

Za sve učesnike:

  • dan prije utrke subota 23.4.2016. od 17.00 – 19.00 sati na glavnom trgu
  • na dan utrke nedjelja 24.4.2016. od 7.30 do 10:00 sati u šatoru organizatora na startu


  • Svaki natjecatelj svojom prijavom izravno je suglasan da se na utrci natječe na osobnu odgovornost (uz pratnju liječničke pomoći i osiguranje policije), da je upoznat sa pravilima i propisima utrke kojih će se pridržavati, te da je upoznat s mogućim rizicima koje ovo natjecanje sadrži.
  • Svojom prijavom natjecatelj se odriče mogućnosti prenošenja odgovornosti na organizatora utrke bilo prema natjecateljima ili trećim osobama.
  • Svojom prijavom natjecatelj potvrđuje da je zdravstveno sposoban i u odgovarajućoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji primjerenoj za ovakvu vrstu natjecanja.


Each registered runner directly agrees to compete in the race at his/her own risk (to the accompaniment of medical assistance and security of the police); that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race to be followed, and that he/she is familiar with the possible risks that this race may have.

With his/her registration the runner renounces the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizers of the race, other race competitors or third parties.

With his/her registration the runner confirms that the medical examination has been done and that he/she is in an appropriate psycho-physical condition for participating at this race.

DŠR Rovinj

Rovinj 2016 - 10k (2nd round of Run Croatia 10x10 league) 24.04.2016. 10:30 24.04.2016. 11:30 10 km More...

Finished :: 62 registered, 29 paid, 30 numbered, 32 - REG 30 - FIN

CRO 48 Croatia
ITA 9 Italy
SLO 4 Slovenia
SVK 1 Slovakia

CRO 23 Croatia
ITA 4 Italy
SLO 2 Slovenia

CRO 23 Croatia
ITA 4 Italy
SLO 2 Slovenia
SVK 1 Slovakia

Registered Competitors Results



DŠR Rovinj is the main race organizer with the support of city of Rovinj, Rovinj Tourist Board and Maistra, race co-organizers are Run CroatiaStotinka as well as other partners and sponsors.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/runcroatia

Web: http://runcroatia.hr/10x10/rovinj-2016/

Place: Rovinj

Date and time: 24th April 2016 at 10.30 am (Sunday)

Start - Finish: Central city square

Registration: Not later than 24th April 2016 at 9 am

Information available: on mobile number: +385 91 443-0007, e-mail: sven.veronek@runcroatia.hr or Rovinj – Aldo Krelja +385 99 756 66 80, e-mail: aldokrelja@gmail.com

Start: 10:30 am

Length: 10 km

Time limit: 1h

The route: Start from central city square – towards Mirna – towards city hospital – towards Amarin - towards Valalta and back to the start.


  • 23rd April 2016 Saturday (registration on the pre-race day)
    5 pm – 7 pm Runners' registration at the Central city square
  • 24th April 2016 Sunday (race day)
    7.30 am – 10 am Runners' registration at the Central city square
    10.25 am Start of HANDBIKE race
    10.30 am Start of HALF-MARATHON, 5 and 10 km races
    10.35 am Start of City of Rovinj Disabled People Association race
    11.00 am - 1 pm ”After Run Party” at the Amfiteather and awards ceremony


Instructions how to get the discounts:



For groups of 10 and more runners with optional invidual discount for 5 or 10 races contact us for a quote at sven.veronek@runcroatia.hr


Run on 5 or 10 races of RUN CROATIA 10X10 LEAGUE, pay only for 4 or 8!

  • Run 5, pay 4 – save 120 kn (16 EUR)
  • Run 10, pay 8 – save 240 kn (32 EUR)

Applies to individual runners.


The price of the entry fee includes the following:

  1. start number, digital timing and quick publication of results on runcroatia.hr and stotinka.hr
  2. record keeping and scoring the entire league by a modern Jaguar system
  3. refreshments for the runners along the course and at the end of the race
  4. medical help
  5. Gift package - weekend at LifeClass Terme Sveti Martin, for 1 runner per race, includes:
    - 2 nights stay for 2 persons at Golfer hotel
    - with breakfast and dinner (half-board)
    - free use of swimming and hot thermal mineral water pools
    - wi-fi and parking
  6. each runner (League participant) gets an info leafet with discount coupons for LifeClass Terme Sveti Martin.
  7. Running school using Pose Method (12 weeks, 3 x a week) – value of 1200,00 kn (160 EUR) - for 1 runner per race
  8. Running course using Pose Method (1 day, 8 hours with video analysis) – value of 600,00kn (80 EUR) - for 1 runner per race
  9. Running video analysis with corrective exercises by e-mail – value of 300,00 kn (40 EUR) - for 1 runner per race
  10. Renault Kadjar or Megane with a full tank for a weekend trip within Croatia - for 1 runner per race
  11. USB mobile phone charger - for 1 runner per race
  12. other surprise gifts and promotional items
  13. after run party
  14. great prizes at the final in December in Zagreb

Price entry fee: 120.00 KN

  • The amount is increased by the bank commission for payments outside Croatia
  • If the runner has paid the entry fee and will not take part in the race, the entry fee refund is not possible.
  • In case of not attending the race after paying the fee, participant start number and accompanying gift pack can be transfered to another registered participant up to 2 days before the race.

Start fee by wire transfer to girro account (additional bank transaction fees may incurr):

  • Account:
    IBAN: HR2923600001102496513
  • Recipient:
    Run Croatia j.d.o.o., Gajeva 55/1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
  • Payment description:
    use your first and last name followed by ROVINJ (i.e. Mark Runnerhill ROVINJ)
  • Amount:
    120,00 HRK

Start fee of 18 EUR is also payable by PayPal-a or credit card:

Start numbers with timing chip pickup

Start numbers with timing chip can be picked-up for all participants:

  • pre-race day Saturday 23rd April 2016 from 5 pm to 7 pm sati at the central city square
  • race day Sunday 24th April 2016 from 7.30 am to 10 am in the organisers' tent at the start


  • Each registered runner directly agrees to compete in the race at his/her own risk (to the accompaniment of medical assistance and security of the police); that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race to be followed, and that he/she is familiar with the possible risks that this race may have.
  • With his/her registration the runner renounces the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizers of the race, other race competitors or third parties.
  • With his/her registration the runner confirms that the medical examination has been done and that he/she is in an appropriate psycho-physical condition for participating at this race.


Each registered runner directly agrees to compete in the race at his/her own risk (to the accompaniment of medical assistance and security of the police); that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race to be followed, and that he/she is familiar with the possible risks that this race may have.

With his/her registration the runner renounces the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizers of the race, other race competitors or third parties.

With his/her registration the runner confirms that the medical examination has been done and that he/she is in an appropriate psycho-physical condition for participating at this race.


DŠR Rovinj

Društvo sportske rekreacije Rovinj

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser DŠR Rovinj is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser DŠR Rovinj directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to timing@stotinka.hr

Website: http://www.rovinjhalfmarathon.com/index.php/hr/

Email: aldokrelja@gmail.com

Phone: +385 99 7566680

Address: Trg m. Tita 3/III, Rovinj HR-52210, CRO - Croatia

Organiser links