DSR Fortuna

MAYDAY OUTDOOR FESTIVAL PIROVAC 04.06.2021. 19:00 06.06.2021. 16:00 More...

Finished 123 registered, 81 numbered, 42 - REG 11 - BIB 69 - FIN 1 - DNS

BIH 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 113 Croatia
NOR 5 Norway
SLO 4 Slovenia

CRO 77 Croatia
NOR 4 Norway

Race :: 3 :: Organiser :: DSR Fortuna

DSR Fortuna

LIGHT 05.06.2021. 16:30 05.06.2021. 19:00 7 km 120 m 120 m More...

Finished :: 59 registered, 46 numbered, 13 - REG 46 - FIN

BIH 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 52 Croatia
NOR 3 Norway
SLO 3 Slovenia

CRO 43 Croatia
NOR 3 Norway

Registered Competitors Results




Organizers: DSR FORTUNA, Pirovac 

                    Pirovac Tourist Board




FRIDAY 4.6.2021.


19: 00-22: 00

Race registrations for all categories


Restaurant and Pizzeria


Trg Domovinskog rata 2


20: 00-22: 00

Dinner and welcome drink for participants

Lectures by guest renowned runners and cyclists
Performance by DJ Mirabel , Visionar and NI and Melancholic





SATURDAY 5.6.2021.


14: 00-15: 30

Race registrations for all categories

Trg Rudina,


14: 00-15: 00


Brass Band Pirovac performance

Recording of the Jerusalem Dance Challange


Jerusalem Dance Challenge Instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCSHAsx1LRs 

instructions with music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ba5j8hLX3o 



Start of the children's race


Start for Active 16 km category


Start for Light 7 km category

16:45 - 20:00

HPM Educational workshop for kids: "Outdoor prirodoslovci"

19: 00-21: 00

A meal at the finish for the participants with the performance of DJ Mirabel


Announcement of winners for all categories





SUNDAY 6.6.2021.


10:00:00; 12:00 and 14:00

Guided cycling tour of Vrana Lake for participants of the Mayday Outdoor Festival

Rudina Square,



10:00 - 13:00

HPM Educational workshop for kids: "Outdoor prirodoslovci"



Registration fee for all categories:
Children up to 16 years. - 0 kn
Young from 16 years. up to 18 years -75 kn
Adults from 18 years. -150 kn

Bicycle rental on Sunday: - 50 kn




Registration fee includes:

Race organization

Electronic timing and publication of results

Refreshment on the trail

Rich starter pack

Cotton T-shirt - for payments until May 27, 2021.

Cotton bag backpack - for payments up to May 27.2021

Dinner and lectures by experienced runners, trainers and outdoor experts, on Friday, June 4 2021

- for payments until May 27, 2021

Food and drink after the race

Guided cycling tour on Sunday June 6.2021

HPM Educational workshoop for kids: "Outdoor prirodoslovci"


Payment of entry fee to:

DSR Fortuna

Put škole 4

22213 Pirovac

Payment description: LIGHT, name and surname of the runner 

Payment number: 00 01052021 

IBAN: HR2123900011199010867 



All participants perform at their own risk.

Mandatory wearing of adequate sports shoes.

Mandatory carrying of 0.5 liters of water or other beverage.

Minor participants that 12 years can participate only accompanied by a parent or authorized adult, and must enclose a signed document in which they sign that they are fully responsible for minor participants during the race, and that minor participants have appropriate adult accompaniment during the race.

Parents / companions of minor participants over the age of 12 must enclose a signed document stating that they are fully responsible for the minor participants during the race, even if they do not accompany them.

DSR Fortuna

ACTIVE 05.06.2021. 16:00 05.06.2021. 19:00 16 km 300 m 300 m More...

Finished :: 48 registered, 24 numbered, 24 - REG 23 - FIN 1 - DNS

CRO 47 Croatia
SLO 1 Slovenia

CRO 24 Croatia

Registered Competitors Results




Organizers: DSR FORTUNA, Pirovac 

                    Pirovac Tourist Board





FRIDAY 4.6.2021


19: 00-22: 00


Race registrations for all categories


Restaurant and Pizzeria


Trg Domovinskog rata 2


20: 00-22: 00


Dinner and welcome drink for participants

Lectures by guest renowned runners and cyclists
Performance by DJ Mirabel , Visionar and NI and Melancholic







SATURDAY 5.6.2021


14: 00-15: 30


Race registrations for all categories

Trg Rudina,


14: 00-15: 00



Brass Band Pirovac performance

Recording of the Jerusalem Dance Challange


Jerusalem Dance Challenge Instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCSHAsx1LRs 

instructions with music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ba5j8hLX3o 




Start of the children's race



Start for Active 16 km category



Start for Light 7 km category

19: 00-21: 00


A meal at the finish for the participants with the performance of DJ Mirabel



Announcement of winners for all categories







SUNDAY 6.6.2021


10:00:00; 12:00 and 14:00


Guided cycling tour of Vrana Lake for participants of the Mayday Outdoor Festival

Rudina Square, Pirovac




Registration fee for all categories:
Children up to 16 years. - 0 kn
Young from 16 years. up to 18 years -75 kn
Adults from 18 years. -150 kn

Bicycle rental on Sunday: - 50 kn




Registration fee includes:

Race organization

Electronic timing and publication of results

Refreshment on the trail

Rich starter pack

Cotton T-shirt - for payments until May 27, 2021.

Polyester bag backpack - for payments up to May 27, 2021

Dinner and lectures by experienced runners, trainers and outdoor experts, on Friday, June 4, 2021

- for payments until May 27, 2021

Food and drink after the race

Guided cycling tour on Sunday June 6, 2021


Payment of entry fee to:

DSR Fortuna

Put škole 4

22213 Pirovac

Payment description: ACTIVE, name and surname of the runner 

Payment number: 00 01052021 

IBAN: HR2123900011199010867 



All participants perform at their own risk.

Mandatory wearing of adequate sports shoes.

Mandatory carrying of 0.5 liters of water or other beverage.

Minor participants that 12 years can participate only accompanied by a parent or authorized adult, and must enclose a signed document in which they sign that they are fully responsible for minor participants during the race, and that minor participants have appropriate adult accompaniment during the race.

Parents / companions of minor participants over the age of 12 must enclose a signed document stating that they are fully responsible for the minor participants during the race, even if they do not accompany them.

DSR Fortuna

KID'S RACE 05.06.2021. 15:30 05.06.2021. 15:45 0.5 km More...

Finished :: 16 registered, 11 numbered, 5 - REG 11 - BIB

CRO 14 Croatia
NOR 2 Norway

CRO 10 Croatia
NOR 1 Norway

Registered Competitors Results




Organizers: DSR FORTUNA, Pirovac 

                    Pirovac Tourist Board




FRIDAY 4.6.2021.


19: 00-22: 00

Race registrations for all categories


Restaurant and Pizzeria


Trg Domovinskog rata 2


20: 00-22: 00

Dinner and welcome drink for participants

Lectures by guest renowned runners and cyclists
Performance by DJ Mirabel , Visionar and NI and Melancholic





SATURDAY 5.6.2021.


14: 00-15: 30

Race registrations for all categories

Trg Rudina,


14: 00-15: 00


Brass Band Pirovac performance

Recording of the Jerusalem Dance Challange


Jerusalem Dance Challenge Instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCSHAsx1LRs 

instructions with music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ba5j8hLX3o 



Start of the children's race


Start for Active 16 km category


Start for Light 7 km category

16:45 - 20:00

HPM Educational workshop for kids: "Outdoor prirodoslovci"

19: 00-21: 00

A meal at the finish for the participants with the performance of DJ Mirabel


Announcement of winners for all categories





SUNDAY 6.6.2021.


10:00:00; 12:00 and 14:00

Guided cycling tour of Vrana Lake for participants of the Mayday Outdoor Festival

Rudina Square,



10:00 - 13:00

HPM Educational workshop for kids: "Outdoor prirodoslovci"



Registration fee for all categories:
Children up to 16 years. - 0 kn
Young from 16 years. up to 18 years -75 kn
Adults from 18 years. -150 kn

Bicycle rental on Sunday: - 50 kn




Registration fee includes:

Race organization

Electronic timing and publication of results

Refreshment on the trail

Rich starter pack

Cotton T-shirt - for payments until May 27, 2021.

Cotton bag backpack - for payments up to May 27.2021

Dinner and lectures by experienced runners, trainers and outdoor experts, on Friday, June 4 2021

- for payments until May 27, 2021

Food and drink after the race

Guided cycling tour on Sunday June 6.2021

HPM Educational workshoop for kids: "Outdoor prirodoslovci"


Payment of entry fee to:

DSR Fortuna

Put škole 4

22213 Pirovac

Payment description: LIGHT, name and surname of the runner 

Payment number: 00 01052021 

IBAN: HR2123900011199010867 



  • Mandatory wearing of adequate sports shoes.
  • Race about 500 m long with checkpoints.
  • Intended for children who will not go to the Light race with their parents.
  • Mandatory parental consent for the child's participation in the race, by signing a statement before the start of the race.
  • Number of participants limited to 70
  • All participating children receive a finisher’s medal and juice at the finish.
  • The first 3 boys and the first 3 girls will receive a medal for the place won


DSR Fortuna

Društvo športske rekreacije Fortuna

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser DSR Fortuna is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser DSR Fortuna directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to timing@stotinka.hr

Website: http://www.dsr-fortuna.hr/

Email: dsrfortuna.pirovac@gmail.com

Phone: +385992849474 Marin F. +385914111351 Marina +385923035743 Marin V.

Address: Put škole 4, HR-22213 Pirovac , CRO - Croatia

Organiser links


Evil Village Trail  


Iskušajte Evil Village Trail, utrku 2.kola Zimske otočne lige 04.02.2023. godine, u Kašiću, u Parku prirode Vransko jezero.


Sve kategorije ove utrke se boduju izuzev najkraće kategorije za odrasle. Svi bodovi koje ostvarite zbrajaju se s ostalim bodovima i ulaze u izračun ukupnog poretka u Zimskoj otočnoj ligi.


Ime utrke: Evil Village Trail

Liga: Zimska Otočna liga




Mjesto starta i cilja za sve kategorije: Kašić, društveni dom

Područje: Kašić s okolicom, područje Parka prirode Vransko jezero

Datum održavanja: 04.02.2023.

Prijave: 08:30 do 10:00 h


Kategorije utrke:

VELIKA (29.2 km 1256 m⬆⬇)

SREDNJA (14. 6 km 628 m⬆⬇)

MALA (5.7 km 139 m⬆⬇) – obiteljska


Vrijeme starta i vremenski limit:

VELIKA -  10:00 h do 15:30 (prvi krug 13:30)

SREDNJA – 11:00 do 15:30

MALA – 12:00  do 13:30


Opis kategorija:

Velika. I ove godine „velika“ radi 2 kruga srednje kategorije, prvi ide u jednom smjeru, a drugi u suprotnom smjeru. Ova kategorija je samo za najluđe. Biti će 2 okrijepe na stazi od čega će jedna biti na kraju prvog kruga. Postotak terena: asfalt 16%, makadam 20%, singletrack staze 37%, offroad 27%.

Srednja. Namijenjena je iskusnim planinarima i trkačima. Staza je ista kao i prošle godine, vrlo zahtjevna. Postotak terena je isti kao kod velike kategorije. Jedna okrepna stanica na stazi.

Mala staza je ista kao i prošle godine. Postotak terena: asfalt 26%, makadam 38%, singletrack staze 36%. Okrepa će biti u cilju.


Obavezna oprema:

- mobitel

- min.1 L vode

- osobna iskaznica

- astro folija

- osobna prva pomoć

- zviždaljka


Preporučena oprema / sukladno vremenskim uvjetima:

- odjeća za zaštitu od kiše/vjetra/sunca

- krema za sunce

- rezervna odjeća

- kapa

- rukavice


Prijave i kotizacija:

Prijaviti se možete na stranici https://www.stotinka.hr/hrv

Kotizacija za sve kategorije iznosi 20 eura, djeca do 16 godina i prošlogodišnji pobjednici ne plaćaju startninu. 

Kotizacija uključuje:

- organizacija utrke

- majica

- natjecateljski karton

- večera i piće

- okrijepe na stazi

-osiguranje od HGSS-a


Mlađi od 18 mogu nastupiti uz potpis roditelja ili skrbnika, mlađi od 12 mogu nastupiti samo u pratnji odrasle osobe.


Prijava se smatra potpunom nakon uplate kotizacije.

Prijave se zatvaraju u subotu, 04.02.2023. u 12:00.


Račun za uplatu: DSR FORTUNA

Put škole 4, 22213 Pirovac

IBAN: HR2123900011199010867


Smještaj: Turistička zajednica Pirovac

Informacije o utrci i eventualne izmjene:

Facebook: DSR FORTUNA / Otočna Liga

E-mail: info@dsr-fortuna.hr

Mobitel: +385 92 303 5743 – Marin Vukman




Natjecatelj je svojom prijavom izravno suglasan da se na utrci natječe na osobnu odgovornost, da je upoznat sa pravilima i propisima utrke kojih će se pridržavati kao i mogućim rizicima koje natjecanja Zimske otočne lige sadrže.

Svojom prijavom natjecatelj izjavljuje da je upoznat sa popisom STROGO PREPORUČENE OPREME, iznimno važnom za njegovu osobnu sigurnost te da se njenim nenošenjem izlaže povećavanom riziku od dehidracije, pothlađivanja, nemogućnosti saniranja ozljeda, nemogućnosti poziva u pomoć, nemogućnosti pomaganja povrijeđenim natjecateljima, nemogućnosti kontaktiranja organizatora pa čak i smrti.

Svojom prijavom natjecatelj se odriče mogućnosti prenošenja odgovornosti na organizatora utrke, kao i prema natjecateljima ili trećim osobama. Svojom prijavom natjecatelj potvrđuje da je u odgo

varajućoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji primjerenoj za ovakvu vrstu natjecanja.