Škola atletike Đakovo

5 km - 6. Đakovačka božićna utrka

28.12.2024. 17:00 28.12.2024. 19:00
5 km

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Antun Jendrišek

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
5 - Antun JendrišekMFree runners PotnjaniFIN La fine28.12.2024. 17:23:27.00423:26.438
(23:23.635 chip)
4:41 12,79brutto (pistola) M 16 :: 3 - M35
netto (chip) M 16 :: 3 - M35
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start28.12.2024. 17:00:00.566
(28.12.2024. 17:00:03.369 chip)
La fine28.12.2024. 17:23:27.00423:26.438
(23:23.635 chip)
23:26.438brutto (pistola) M 16 :: 3 - M35
netto (chip) M 16 :: 3 - M35
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