MK Hrvatski sokol

Jel’ trčiš, lega? (5km)

27.06.2020. 09:30 27.06.2020. 11:00
5 km

Evento - Public La gara I partecipanti registrati Risultati
Risultati di ricerca I partecipanti principali Risultati I risultati - non ha rango
Risultati - Uomo Risultati - Donne Risultati - Uomo - Gruppo di età Risultati - Donne - Gruppo di età

Risultati - Donne - Gruppo di età

Kadetkinje (Kadetkinje 14-15, Age 0 to 15 years)

Ranked by brutto (pistola) time Ranked by netto (chip) time

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
1 1064Iva KardošF Vk Iktus CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:45:2330:25
(30:15 chip)
6:05 9,87brutto (pistola) F 18 :: 1 - Kadetkinje
netto (chip) F 17 :: 1 - Kadetkinje
2 1154Karla ŠibalićF Vk Iktus CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:45:2630:28
(30:19 chip)
6:05 9,85brutto (pistola) F 19 :: 2 - Kadetkinje
netto (chip) F 18 :: 2 - Kadetkinje
3 1258Dina MadavićF Udruga Zdravo Trčanje CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:49:3634:38
(34:28 chip)
6:55 8,67brutto (pistola) F 39 :: 3 - Kadetkinje
netto (chip) F 40 :: 3 - Kadetkinje
4 1115Szőke NatasaF PSE HUNFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 10:04:0349:05
(48:57 chip)
9:49 6,11brutto (pistola) F 70 :: 4 - Kadetkinje
netto (chip) F 70 :: 4 - Kadetkinje

Ml. juniorke (Mlađe juniorke 16-17, Age 16 to 17 years)

Ranked by brutto (pistola) time Ranked by netto (chip) time

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:38:5123:53
(23:39 chip)
4:46 12,57brutto (pistola) F 4 :: 1 - Ml. juniorke
netto (chip) F 4 :: 1 - Ml. juniorke
2 1179Sarah BerlinerF ind USAFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:48:1533:17
(33:05 chip)
6:39 9,02brutto (pistola) F 34 :: 2 - Ml. juniorke
netto (chip) F 34 :: 2 - Ml. juniorke

Juniorke (Juniorke 18-19, Age 18 to 19 years)

Ranked by brutto (pistola) time Ranked by netto (chip) time

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
1 1178Isabella BerlinerF ind USAFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:48:4933:50
(33:38 chip)
6:46 8,87brutto (pistola) F 35 :: 1 - Juniorke
netto (chip) F 35 :: 1 - Juniorke

ŽS (Seniorke, Age 20 to 34 years)

Ranked by brutto (pistola) time Ranked by netto (chip) time

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
1 1143Doroteja SantiF AK Slatina CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:35:1020:12
(20:12 chip)
4:02 14,86brutto (pistola) F 1 :: 1 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 1 :: 1 - ŽS
2 474Katarina ŠuvakF Tri Tim CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:38:1723:19
(23:16 chip)
4:40 12,88brutto (pistola) F 3 :: 2 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 3 :: 2 - ŽS
3 1073Karolina KovačF DUX Fitness CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:40:0325:05
(24:53 chip)
5:01 11,97brutto (pistola) F 6 :: 3 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 6 :: 3 - ŽS
4 1169Ena VinjarskiF FC Step, Slav. Brod CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:40:2625:28
(25:15 chip)
5:05 11,79brutto (pistola) F 7 :: 4 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 7 :: 4 - ŽS
5 1129Žana Petrović ČizmadijaF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:43:3928:41
(28:38 chip)
5:44 10,47brutto (pistola) F 12 :: 5 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 12 :: 5 - ŽS
6 1027Sarah ButiganF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:45:3230:34
(30:26 chip)
6:07 9,82brutto (pistola) F 20 :: 6 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 20 :: 6 - ŽS
7 1203Jelena VukosavljevićF - CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:45:3530:37
(30:27 chip)
6:07 9,80brutto (pistola) F 21 :: 7 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 21 :: 7 - ŽS
8 1063Ružica JurićF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:45:3730:39
(30:30 chip)
6:08 9,79brutto (pistola) F 22 :: 8 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 22 :: 8 - ŽS
9 1180Ivana DukaF Ferivi CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:46:4631:48
(31:45 chip)
6:21 9,44brutto (pistola) F 28 :: 9 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 28 :: 9 - ŽS
10 1131Tanja LalićF indv CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:48:0133:02
(32:43 chip)
6:36 9,08brutto (pistola) F 31 :: 10 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 31 :: 10 - ŽS
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:49:4034:42
(34:33 chip)
6:56 8,65brutto (pistola) F 41 :: 11 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 41 :: 11 - ŽS
12 1009Lucija BaltićF - CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:50:2735:29
(35:23 chip)
7:06 8,46brutto (pistola) F 44 :: 12 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 44 :: 12 - ŽS
13 1057Margareta IbriksF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:50:4435:46
(35:30 chip)
7:09 8,39brutto (pistola) F 45 :: 13 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 45 :: 13 - ŽS
14 1172Ružica-Marija VlajčićF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:51:3036:31
(36:12 chip)
7:18 8,22brutto (pistola) F 47 :: 14 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 47 :: 14 - ŽS
15 1135Sara RašićF Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:52:0137:03
(36:55 chip)
7:24 8,10brutto (pistola) F 51 :: 15 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 51 :: 15 - ŽS
16 1083Ema KulejF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:52:2037:22
(37:04 chip)
7:28 8,03brutto (pistola) F 52 :: 16 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 52 :: 16 - ŽS
17 1084Maja KulejF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:52:2137:23
(37:04 chip)
7:28 8,03brutto (pistola) F 53 :: 17 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 53 :: 17 - ŽS
18 1159Tatjana TimkoF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:53:2038:21
(38:04 chip)
7:40 7,82brutto (pistola) F 57 :: 18 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 56 :: 18 - ŽS
19 1274Petra OlićF indv CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:54:0739:09
(38:55 chip)
7:50 7,67brutto (pistola) F 60 :: 19 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 59 :: 19 - ŽS
20 1101Heidi MargušF - CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:54:0939:11
(39:00 chip)
7:50 7,66brutto (pistola) F 61 :: 20 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 60 :: 20 - ŽS
21 1029Tara CvijicF Individualac CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:56:1041:12
(41:05 chip)
8:14 7,28brutto (pistola) F 63 :: 21 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 63 :: 21 - ŽS
22 1094Marina LozićF URT Nexe Team CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:56:3941:41
(41:37 chip)
8:20 7,20brutto (pistola) F 64 :: 22 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 64 :: 22 - ŽS
23 1122Martina PavičićF URT Nexe Team CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:59:2944:308:54 6,74brutto (pistola) F 66 :: 23 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 66 :: 23 - ŽS
24 1128Kolder-Nagy PetraF PSE HUNFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 10:04:0349:05
(48:56 chip)
9:49 6,11brutto (pistola) F 69 :: 24 - ŽS
netto (chip) F 69 :: 24 - ŽS

Vet I (Veteranke I, Age 35 to 44 years)

Ranked by brutto (pistola) time Ranked by netto (chip) time

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
1 1042Lidija ErcegF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:37:1522:17
(22:17 chip)
4:27 13,47brutto (pistola) F 2 :: 1 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 2 :: 1 - Vet I
2 1253Branka GrahovacF Nexe Team CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:42:0527:07
(27:03 chip)
5:25 11,07brutto (pistola) F 9 :: 2 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 9 :: 2 - Vet I
3 1038Mirna DobrovićF Nema CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:43:2328:24
(28:22 chip)
5:41 10,56brutto (pistola) F 10 :: 3 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 10 :: 3 - Vet I
4 1254Anica MayerF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:43:3528:36
(28:30 chip)
5:43 10,49brutto (pistola) F 11 :: 4 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 11 :: 4 - Vet I
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:44:2929:31
(29:28 chip)
5:54 10,17brutto (pistola) F 13 :: 5 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 13 :: 5 - Vet I
6 1276Katarina BandaloF skola trcanja orahovica CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:44:3329:35
(29:29 chip)
5:55 10,15brutto (pistola) F 14 :: 6 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 14 :: 6 - Vet I
7 1157Melisa FranjkovićF Ultramaraton klub Mazator CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:44:4029:41
(29:36 chip)
5:56 10,11brutto (pistola) F 15 :: 7 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 15 :: 7 - Vet I
8 535Daniela Popović BudiF KCIPT Samobor CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:45:1730:19
(30:14 chip)
6:04 9,90brutto (pistola) F 16 :: 8 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 16 :: 8 - Vet I
9 1257Mirta MikecF MK Hrvatski Sokol CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:45:2130:23
(30:21 chip)
6:04 9,88brutto (pistola) F 17 :: 9 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 19 :: 9 - Vet I
10 1181Martina KadićF Remix CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:45:5130:53
(30:43 chip)
6:10 9,72brutto (pistola) F 23 :: 10 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 23 :: 10 - Vet I
11 1277Danijela ErkapićF indv CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:46:0631:07
(31:01 chip)
6:13 9,64brutto (pistola) F 24 :: 11 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 24 :: 11 - Vet I
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:46:0631:08
(31:03 chip)
6:13 9,64brutto (pistola) F 25 :: 12 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 25 :: 12 - Vet I
13 1071Zrinka KneževićF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:46:4531:47
(31:39 chip)
6:21 9,44brutto (pistola) F 27 :: 13 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 27 :: 13 - Vet I
14 1281Monika KurtovF indv CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:47:1932:20
(32:03 chip)
6:28 9,28brutto (pistola) F 29 :: 14 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 29 :: 14 - Vet I
15 1033Martina ČizmokF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:48:0633:07
(33:04 chip)
6:37 9,06brutto (pistola) F 32 :: 15 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 33 :: 16 - Vet I
16 1110Irma MiloševićF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:48:0733:09
(32:57 chip)
6:38 9,05brutto (pistola) F 33 :: 16 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 32 :: 15 - Vet I
17 1145Marina SemialjacF Ind CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:49:0434:06
(33:51 chip)
6:49 8,80brutto (pistola) F 36 :: 17 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 37 :: 18 - Vet I
18 1117Marina MajhenF indv CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:49:0534:07
(33:58 chip)
6:49 8,80brutto (pistola) F 37 :: 18 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 38 :: 19 - Vet I
19 1185Ana MogorošF Ferivi CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:49:3734:39
(33:48 chip)
6:56 8,66brutto (pistola) F 40 :: 19 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 36 :: 17 - Vet I
20 1116Ivana NenadićF Hrvatski sokol CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:50:0935:11
(35:06 chip)
7:02 8,53brutto (pistola) F 43 :: 20 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 43 :: 20 - Vet I
21 1026Martina BušićF - CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:51:3436:35
(36:25 chip)
7:19 8,20brutto (pistola) F 48 :: 21 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 48 :: 21 - Vet I
22 1079Jana KristicF FC Step, Slav. Brod CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:51:5436:55
(36:42 chip)
7:23 8,13brutto (pistola) F 49 :: 22 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 49 :: 22 - Vet I
23 1107Zeljka Milakovic- SarecF Individualac CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:51:5937:01
(36:46 chip)
7:24 8,11brutto (pistola) F 50 :: 23 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 50 :: 23 - Vet I
24 1273Renata Posavec MajerF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:52:3137:33
(37:30 chip)
7:30 7,99brutto (pistola) F 54 :: 24 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 54 :: 24 - Vet I
25 4Kristina AgatićF UMK Mazator CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:53:0338:057:37 7,88brutto (pistola) F 56 :: 25 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 57 :: 25 - Vet I
26 1152Vlatka Šalić DujmićF - CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:54:0539:07
(39:01 chip)
7:49 7,67brutto (pistola) F 59 :: 26 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 61 :: 26 - Vet I
27 1285Suzana DragovanF indv CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:56:4141:43
(41:40 chip)
8:20 7,19brutto (pistola) F 65 :: 27 - Vet I
netto (chip) F 65 :: 27 - Vet I

Vet II (Veteranke II, Age 45 to 54 years)

Ranked by brutto (pistola) time Ranked by netto (chip) time

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
1 1114Renata MorovicF Individualac CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:39:4224:44
(24:44 chip)
4:57 12,14brutto (pistola) F 5 :: 1 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 5 :: 1 - Vet II
2 1251Darija KrstićF CZP CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:41:4526:47
(26:43 chip)
5:21 11,21brutto (pistola) F 8 :: 2 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 8 :: 2 - Vet II
3 1282Ana CrvelinF Ind CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:46:1131:13
(31:04 chip)
6:14 9,62brutto (pistola) F 26 :: 3 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 26 :: 3 - Vet II
4 1095Mirela MacelaruF Rekreativno CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:47:3332:34
(32:32 chip)
6:31 9,21brutto (pistola) F 30 :: 4 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 30 :: 4 - Vet II
5 1176Renata JosipovićF IND CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:49:3334:35
(34:19 chip)
6:55 8,68brutto (pistola) F 38 :: 5 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 39 :: 5 - Vet II
6 1252Tatjana SlabakF MK Hrvatski Sokol CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:49:4134:43
(34:40 chip)
6:56 8,65brutto (pistola) F 42 :: 6 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 42 :: 6 - Vet II
7 1003Mirela ArambašićF Ind CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:50:4535:47
(35:37 chip)
7:09 8,39brutto (pistola) F 46 :: 7 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 46 :: 7 - Vet II
8 1104Vlatka MaroševićF "Forma"Žuoanja CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:53:0038:01
(37:52 chip)
7:36 7,89brutto (pistola) F 55 :: 8 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 55 :: 8 - Vet II
9 1052Danijela GrnjaF ŠpEK CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:53:4638:47
(38:33 chip)
7:45 7,74brutto (pistola) F 58 :: 9 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 58 :: 9 - Vet II
10 1098Jela MandićF Maraton klub Hrvatski sokol CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 09:55:0340:05
(40:03 chip)
8:01 7,49brutto (pistola) F 62 :: 10 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 62 :: 10 - Vet II
11 1086Marijana KurtovićF Ultramaraton klub Mazator CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 10:03:5648:58
(48:47 chip)
9:47 6,13brutto (pistola) F 68 :: 11 - Vet II
netto (chip) F 67 :: 11 - Vet II

Vet III (Veteranke III, Age 55 to 64 years)

Ranked by brutto (pistola) time Ranked by netto (chip) time

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
1 1006Ana BalintF Ind CROFIN
La fine
27.06.2020. 10:03:5648:58
(48:49 chip)
9:47 6,13brutto (pistola) F 67 :: 1 - Vet III
netto (chip) F 68 :: 1 - Vet III

Vet IV (Veteranke IV, Age 65 to 110 years)

Ranked by brutto (pistola) time Ranked by netto (chip) time

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category