SRK Samo Pozitiva

13. CRES TRIATLON 2019 - Super sprint triatlon (375m - 10km - 2,5km)

31.08.2019. 14:00 31.08.2019. 16:00
12.875 km

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Dorian Brnić

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
31 - Dorian BrnićMIndividual CROFIN La fine31.08.2019. 14:43:5344:013:25 17,56M 4 :: 3 - M 29
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start31.08.2019. 13:59:53
Plivanje31.08.2019. 14:05:505:585:58M 3
3 - M 29
Bicikl31.08.2019. 14:32:4232:5026:52M 4
3 - M 29
La fine31.08.2019. 14:43:5344:0111:11M 4 :: 3 - M 29
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