SRK Samo Pozitiva

13. CRES TRIATLON 2019 - Sprint triatlon (750m - 20km - 5km)

31.08.2019. 16:00 31.08.2019. 18:00
25.75 km

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Branislav Romčević

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
12 - Branislav RomčevićM CROFIN La fine31.08.2019. 18:02:501:58:464:37 13,01M 14 :: 6 - M 49
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start31.08.2019. 16:04:05
Plivanje31.08.2019. 16:19:4815:4415:44M 12
4 - M 49
Bicikl31.08.2019. 17:33:321:29:281:13:44M 14
6 - M 49
La fine31.08.2019. 18:02:501:58:4629:19M 14 :: 6 - M 49
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