SD Vrhovac

Ozalj i Vrhovac Trail 2019 - Duga

20.07.2019. 09:00 20.07.2019. 15:30
25 km 1000 m 1000 m

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Žan Žepič

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet Time
540 - Žan ŽepičMAD Olimpik SLODNF Lović20.07.2019. 11:00:091:58:05 
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start20.07.2019. 09:02:04
Ozalj20.07.2019. 09:33:5631:5331:53M 8
4 - MS
Lović20.07.2019. 11:00:091:58:051:26:13M 18
8 - MS
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