SU Izohipsa

100% Trail 2019 - Duga

24.03.2019. 10:30 24.03.2019. 17:00
25.2 km 760 m 760 m

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Dolores Osvaldić

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
569 - Dolores OsvaldićFAK Sljeme CROFIN La fine24.03.2019. 13:12:402:42:416:27 9,30
F 4 :: 2 - ŽS
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start24.03.2019. 10:30:00
Kontrola 124.03.2019. 11:10:1740:1840:18F 2
1 - ŽS
Kontrola 224.03.2019. 11:54:541:24:5544:37F 2
1 - ŽS
Kontrola 324.03.2019. 12:26:381:56:3931:45F 3
1 - ŽS
Kontrola 424.03.2019. 12:51:092:21:1024:31F 3
1 - ŽS
La fine24.03.2019. 13:12:402:42:4121:32F 4 :: 2 - ŽS
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