AMK Kreševo

Extreme Enduro utrka Fenix - LIGHT – BRONZE

27.08.2017. 10:00 27.08.2017. 15:00

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Semir Hamidovič

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePunti di controlloPace
202 - Semir HamidovičM SLOFIN La fine27.08.2017. 11:57:361:42:36100:00M 7
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank
Start27.08.2017. 10:15:00
CP 127.08.2017. 10:25:0110:0210:02M 5
CP 227.08.2017. 10:28:5713:583:56M 5
CP 327.08.2017. 10:35:0420:056:07M 3
CP 5a27.08.2017. 10:49:2034:2114:17M 3
CP 727.08.2017. 10:58:2243:239:03M 3
CP 827.08.2017. 11:17:151:02:1618:53M 9
CP 927.08.2017. 11:23:541:08:556:39M 8
CP 1027.08.2017. 11:34:201:19:2110:27M 8
CP 1127.08.2017. 11:39:221:24:235:02M 8
CP 1227.08.2017. 11:49:001:34:019:38M 8
La fine27.08.2017. 11:57:361:42:368:36M 7
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