AMK Kreševo

Extreme Enduro utrka Fenix - LIGHT – SILVER

27.08.2017. 10:00 27.08.2017. 15:00

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Robert Lučić

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamGroupingCountryStatusPassedNet TimePunti di controlloPace
104 - Robert LučićMAA Light CROFIN La fine27.08.2017. 11:39:591:24:59100:00M 4
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank
Start27.08.2017. 10:15:00
CP 127.08.2017. 10:23:008:018:01M 8
CP 227.08.2017. 10:27:2112:224:21M 8
CP 327.08.2017. 10:32:1117:124:50M 7
CP 5a27.08.2017. 10:43:4228:4311:32M 6
CP 727.08.2017. 10:56:3241:3312:51M 5
CP 827.08.2017. 11:03:4348:437:11M 4
CP 927.08.2017. 11:10:0055:016:18M 4
CP 1027.08.2017. 11:20:101:05:1110:11M 4
CP 1127.08.2017. 11:24:561:09:574:46M 4
CP 1227.08.2017. 11:33:351:18:368:40M 4
La fine27.08.2017. 11:39:591:24:596:24M 4
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