
RED | 168 km | +6.539 m

06.04.2018. 17:00 08.04.2018. 15:00
168 km 6539 m 6818 m

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Hrvoje Bastać

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
374 - Hrvoje BastaćMTango Šoić! CROFIN La fine08.04.2018. 17:28:3448:28:3517:19 3,47
M 229 :: 92 - SE M
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start06.04.2018. 17:00:00
PLOMIN LUKA06.04.2018. 19:27:162:27:172:27:17M 316
128 - SE M
PRODOL06.04.2018. 22:27:425:27:433:00:27M 320
128 - SE M
POKLON07.04.2018. 03:15:1710:15:184:47:35M 313
124 - SE M
BRGUDAC07.04.2018. 06:57:4213:57:433:42:26M 307
125 - SE M
BUZET07.04.2018. 15:56:4822:56:498:59:07M 270
107 - SE M
HUM07.04.2018. 18:50:5725:50:582:54:09M 266
105 - SE M
BUTONIGA07.04.2018. 23:45:2630:45:274:54:30M 258
99 - SE M
MOTOVUN08.04.2018. 04:32:2435:32:254:46:58M 236
94 - SE M
OPRTALJ08.04.2018. 06:46:4137:46:422:14:18M 230
93 - SE M
GROŽNJAN08.04.2018. 12:28:5643:28:575:42:16M 232
94 - SE M
BUJE08.04.2018. 14:06:5445:06:551:37:59M 230
93 - SE M
La fine08.04.2018. 17:28:3448:28:353:21:40M 229 :: 92 - SE M
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