
RED | 168 km | +6.539 m

06.04.2018. 17:00 08.04.2018. 15:00
168 km 6539 m 6818 m

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Fabio Delbono

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
298 - Fabio DelbonoMAtletica franciacorta ITAFIN La fine08.04.2018. 01:36:3532:36:3611:39 5,15
M 111 :: 44 - SE M
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start06.04.2018. 17:00:00
PLOMIN LUKA06.04.2018. 18:38:161:38:171:38:17M 76
34 - SE M
PRODOL06.04.2018. 20:37:463:37:471:59:30M 137
62 - SE M
POKLON07.04.2018. 00:19:177:19:183:41:32M 182
76 - SE M
BRGUDAC07.04.2018. 02:39:129:39:132:19:55M 170
76 - SE M
BUZET07.04.2018. 10:27:0117:27:027:47:50M 152
62 - SE M
HUM07.04.2018. 12:36:5819:36:592:09:57M 154
60 - SE M
BUTONIGA07.04.2018. 15:40:5722:40:573:03:59M 146
58 - SE M
MOTOVUN07.04.2018. 18:25:0325:25:042:44:07M 137
55 - SE M
OPRTALJ07.04.2018. 20:04:3527:04:361:39:33M 131
53 - SE M
GROŽNJAN07.04.2018. 22:19:0329:19:042:14:29M 125
50 - SE M
BUJE07.04.2018. 23:37:1730:37:171:18:14M 118
48 - SE M
La fine08.04.2018. 01:36:3532:36:361:59:19M 111 :: 44 - SE M
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