
RED | 168 km | +6.539 m

06.04.2018. 17:00 08.04.2018. 15:00
168 km 6539 m 6818 m

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Vedran Sabljić

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet TimePace
Rank :: Category
202 - Vedran SabljićMUPRI Gelender Cafe CROFIN La fine08.04.2018. 01:28:5832:28:5911:36 5,17
M 107 :: 64 - VM 1
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start06.04.2018. 17:00:00
PLOMIN LUKA06.04.2018. 19:12:262:12:272:12:27M 257
147 - VM 1
PRODOL06.04.2018. 21:07:054:07:061:54:40M 214
127 - VM 1
POKLON07.04.2018. 00:20:497:20:503:13:44M 186
105 - VM 1
BRGUDAC07.04.2018. 02:44:459:44:462:23:57M 176
98 - VM 1
BUZET07.04.2018. 09:41:2816:41:296:56:43M 127
72 - VM 1
HUM07.04.2018. 11:50:4818:50:492:09:21M 128
74 - VM 1
BUTONIGA07.04.2018. 14:47:2421:47:252:56:36M 124
73 - VM 1
MOTOVUN07.04.2018. 17:07:5524:07:562:20:32M 113
64 - VM 1
OPRTALJ07.04.2018. 18:48:2525:48:261:40:31M 110
64 - VM 1
GROŽNJAN07.04.2018. 21:02:2328:02:242:13:58M 105
63 - VM 1
BUJE07.04.2018. 22:33:5529:33:561:31:33M 103
62 - VM 1
La fine08.04.2018. 01:28:5832:28:592:55:04M 107 :: 64 - VM 1
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