
GREEN | 66,7 km | +2.441 m

07.04.2018. 08:00 07.04.2018. 23:00
66.7 km 2441 m 2501 m

Punti di controllo dei competitori :: Miha Jurečič

Il Numero di Gara - Full NameSexClub/TeamCountryStatusPassedNet Time
999 - Miha JurečičM SLODNF GROŽNJAN07.04.2018. 15:44:497:44:49 
TypePassedNet TimeTime DifferenceRank :: Category
Start07.04.2018. 08:00:00
BUTONIGA07.04.2018. 10:15:072:15:072:15:07M 223
129 - SE M
MOTOVUN07.04.2018. 12:10:204:10:201:55:14M 200
117 - SE M
OPRTALJ07.04.2018. 14:09:486:09:491:59:29M 184
110 - SE M
GROŽNJAN07.04.2018. 15:44:497:44:491:35:01M 180
108 - SE M
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