Zagorje Adventure team

Zagorje Trekk 2014 - jogging

08.02.2014. 10:00 08.02.2014. 20:00
12 km

Evento - Public La gara I partecipanti registrati Risultati
Risultati di ricerca I partecipanti principali Risultati I risultati - non ha rango
Risultati - Uomo Risultati - Donne

Risultati - Uomo

 Il Numero di GaraFull NameSexCountryStatusPassedStartkod Veselog OčićaLa fineNo. CPs (1)Net TimePunti di controlloPace
91 636Dejan SedakM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:05:32Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 91
08.02.2014. 14:05:32
03:45:40818:48 3,19M 91
92 578Marko BrestovečkiM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:05:33Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 92
08.02.2014. 14:05:33
03:45:41818:48 3,19M 92
93 493Mario GlumpakM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:05:33Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 93
08.02.2014. 14:05:33
03:45:41818:48 3,19M 93
94 408Saša StankovićM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:06:49Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 94
08.02.2014. 14:06:49
03:46:57818:55 3,17M 94
95 609Dominik GalinecM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:06:51Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 95
08.02.2014. 14:06:51
03:46:59818:55 3,17M 95
96 517Jan BićanićM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:14:27Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 96
08.02.2014. 14:14:27
03:54:35819:33 3,07M 96
97 552Dario LipkovacM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:14:41Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 97
08.02.2014. 14:14:41
03:54:49819:34 3,07M 97
98 567Dejan ŠaronjaM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:22:18Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 98
08.02.2014. 14:22:18
04:02:26820:12 2,97M 98
99 519ivica vrbancM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:41:30Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 99
08.02.2014. 14:41:30
04:21:38821:48 2,75M 99
100 511Krešimir NikolićM CROFIN
La fine
08.02.2014. 14:41:37Start
08.02.2014. 10:19:52
kod Veselog Očića

La fine
M 100
08.02.2014. 14:41:37
04:21:45821:49 2,75M 100
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